Radical Dublin

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The 1803 rebellion Ireland and Robert Emmet

The 1803 rebellion followed only five years after the rebellion of 1798.  1798 involved tens of thousands under arms, rising across the country over months and the liberation of parts of Wexford, Wicklow and Waterford for long enough for a republic to be declared.  It was smashed by the British empire with great brutality directed at those under arms but also the civilian populations.  As many as 30,000 may have died.


Despite this Robert Emmet who was the brother of one of the 1798 leaders reorganised and with Thomas Russell and others attempted another rebellion in 1803. 

Avacado squat eviction in Phibsboro Dublin July 2015

This video shows some of the violent eviction of a house on Phibsboro Avenue in Dublin during which the inhabitants were pepper sprayed and arrested on a ridiculous burglary charge. They had been living in the house two months and were of course later released without charge.

The Bolt Interview - a squatted emergency accommodation hostel in Dublin - video interview

The Bolt is an abandoned hostel for the homeless that has been occupied and brought back into use by an alliance of 6 housing groups in Dublin.

In this video Solidarity Times interview one of the organisers in some detail about the building, support from local residents and what has been going on with the council.

Failed attempt to evict The Bolt squatted hostel in Dublin July 3rd - video report

Video report from the attempt to evict the new squatted emergency family accommodation center in Bolton street in Dublin on July 3rd.  The building is now being referred to as The Bolt.

The Barricade Inn - squatted social centre in Dublin - video ad

Right in the centre of Dublin city a new squatted anarchist social centre is up and running and open to all. It's in a reclaimed building at 77 Parnell St that was formerly Nearys hotel, which had been left unused for many years, abandoned and left to slowly fall to ruin.

Grangegorman eviction - Solidarity starts with a Fry

The reactions to the attempted evictions of the 27 people who occupied the long vacant Grangegorman complex here and elsewhere online has been interesting. On the ground at the gates people passing have been curious, and overwhelmingly positive. Some have brought down gifts including the pictured fry up from council workers at the depot nearby.

The long march on Farmleigh - Dublin EU summit protest Mayday 2004

In terms of the development of a libertarian movement in Ireland the march on the EU summit at Farmleigh will probably be seen as a turning point. For the first time the movement mobilized large number of people from outside its own ranks, in a demonstration that was in direct defiance of the Irish governments attempt to ban such demonstrations.

Pic: The front of the march on Farmleigh on the Navan road. From uk.indymedia.org, photographer not credited there. I'd no camera with me so all these photos come from indymedia, photographer is credited with the name used to post them to indymedia

Dublin Reclaim the Streets attacked by Gardai - Mayday 2002

Gardai at Dublin Reclaim the StreetsIt was expected that this (May 6th 2002) would be the largest Dublin Reclaim the Streets to date due to the massive level of publicity for it. The city centre had been covered in posters, stickers and graffiti from three weeks before advertising the event plus. Posters had also been put up in Cork and flyers distributed in Belfast. What was not so expected was that by the end of the day 24 people would have been arrested and over a dozen hospitalised by a police riot on Dame street. Pic:Gardai face crowd at RTS

Articles from the Dublin bin tax struggle 2001-2003

Septembe 2003 was the start of the intense period of the bin tax struggle in Dublin, a struggle that was to see 25+ people jailed as the state tried to crush the campaign.  I've just uploaded the news articles I wrote at the time on the struggle to my archive on this site, this blog summarises these and links to each of the news posts as it is summarised.  I also explain the internal context of what is argued to a greater level then could be done at that time.

RTS on Baggot St. a great success

Motor cycle cop in Dublin IrelandSundays (Sept 22nd 2002) Reclaim the Streets was a great success. Over 1,000 people took part in the four-hour party. Despite attempts by the Gardai to whip up a panic because the organisers refused to meet with them in advance of the party the day was trouble free and very good humoured.


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