How to respond to a cyber attack: Data breach rules come into effect

The Australian information commissioner's office has issued a set of best practice guidelines for developing a data ...
The Australian information commissioner's office has issued a set of best practice guidelines for developing a data breach response plan.
by Andrew Ramadge

This content is produced by The Australian Financial Review in commercial partnership with Fortinet.

Australian companies are being urged to develop a strategy for what to do in the event of a data breach before new rules come into effect next year, with one industry expert claiming businesses are "woefully under-prepared".

James Hutchinson, head of business and technology at public relations firm Sling and Stone, says companies are often caught without a plan for how to communicate a serious security incident to customers when it happens, and have to make it up "on the fly as events unfold".

"This is often because security and communications are rarely in the same room together, unless they have to be, despite the major ramifications that these breaches can have," Hutchinson says.

"Thankfully, with upcoming data breach legislation and general awareness about data breaches growing, this trend is changing significantly.

"Many companies are becoming much more proactive in developing response plans ahead of any potential breach, which is a good sign as it means the company is better prepared, and everyone's role is well established and understood in the event that something that does happen."

New data breach notification rules will take effect in February next year, making it mandatory for companies with a turnover of $3 million of more to alert customers if their information has been accessed without authority, placing them at risk of serious harm.

The Australian information commissioner's office has issued a set of best practice guidelines for developing a data breach response plan, as well as making its own response plan public as an example.

"All entities should have a data breach response plan. Your actions in the first 24 hours after discovering a data breach are often crucial to the success of your response. A quick response can substantially decrease the impact on the affected individuals," the office says.

The best practice model includes creating a response team that is tasked with handling data breach incidents escalated to it. The response team is responsible for containing the breach, evaluating the risk, notifying authorities and the public, and then taking appropriate steps to prevent future breaches.

But first, there needs to be a plan for figuring out if a breach is actually serious or not.

Under the new rules, not all network intrusions or data breaches need to be reported. The incidents that do are when someone is put at risk of serious harm because their personal information has been accessed without authority, and the organisation has not been able to prevent that risk with remedial action.

Companies need to communicate that definition to workers and make sure they know how to identify a data breach incident when it occurs and how to escalate it to their manager or the response team.

When it comes to communicating with the public, Hutchinson says two of the most important things to get right are accuracy and transparency.

"Understanding the technology behind these data breaches is vital to ensuring that not only is any response taken care of accordingly, but any communications plan is accurate," he says.

"Some companies often start pointing fingers at suppliers or other external factors without understanding where the true fault lies.

"Companies need to constantly ensure they're upfront with customers, investors and stakeholders about what's going on and remediation steps. Whether this comes from security or communications will change depending on the scenario or company but chances are, if you've been hacked, it's likely to become known."