The Commoner N. 15 – Winter 2012 – Care work and the Commons

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Massimo De Angelis — Preface: Care Work and the Commons

Camille Barbagallo and Silvia Federici — Introduction


Mariarosa Dalla Costa (1972) —
Women and the Subversion of the Community

Mariarosa Dalla Costa (1974) —
On The General Strike

Silvia Federici (1974) — Wages Against Housework

Silvia Federici (1975) — On Sexuality as Work

Mariarosa Dalla Costa (1977) — Reproduction and Emigration


Camille Barbagallo and Nicholas Beuret — Starting From the Social Wage

Silvia Federici — The Unfinished Feminist Revolution

Mariarosa Dalla Costa — Women’s Autonomy & Renumeration of Care Work

Silvia Federici — On Elder Care

Laura Agustín — Sex as Work & Sex Work

Viviane Gonik — Is Housework Soluble in Love?

Pascale Molinier — Of Feminists and Their Cleaning Ladies

Todos Somos Japon — Nuclear Housework

Ariel Salleh — Fukushima: A Call for Female Leadership

Kolya Abramsky — Energy and Social Reproduction


Domestic Workers United

Interview with Priscilla Gonzalez

A Male Domestic Worker

The Regeneration Manifesto

The Triumph of the Domestic Workers

Servicio Domestíco Activo

Interview with Liliana Caballero Velasquez

Interview with Victoria Mamani

Socialist Feminist Collective

Interview with Ana Rosario Adrián Vargas