Finsbury Park mosque has received death threats and racist hate mail in the wake of the terror attack, it's been revealed.

The anonymous letters say that the incident 'was only the beginning' and promised 'rivers of blood' continuing this August.

Makram Ali, 51, was killed and nine other people were injured when a van ploughed into a crowded pavement in north London almost two weeks ago.

Darren Osborne, 47, from Cardiff, has appeared in court accused of murder and attempted murder over the alleged incident.

The area was busy with Muslim worshippers attending Ramadan night prayers at the time.

Today the mosque revealed some of the hate mail it has received since.

Finsbury Park mosque has received threats in the mail since the night of the attack
Paramedics help those injured in the incident outside Finsbury Park mosque

One anonymous letter, seen by Vice News, said: "The attack using the van was only the beginning.

"The fun will continue this August.

"There will be rivers of blood flowing down the streets, I will make sure of this.

"None of you vermin will survive."

"I mean who would survive being gassed, or beheaded, or blown up."

It is but one of several letters sent to the mosque since the attack in the early hours of June 19.

Mohammed Kozbar, chairman of the mosque, said there has been a rise in Islamophobic incidents in the last fortnight.

"After the attack we received a lot of solidarity and support from friends and people in the community but also some nasty and offensive messages," he added.

"It's threats to the mosque and to the community and it's quite nasty threats.

"It's worrying for the safety of our community, we're in talks with the police to see what measures and actions have to be taken to keep us safe.

"I'm sure something more can be done in terms of what's happening for safety and protection."

A van alleged to have been used in the Finsbury Park mosque attack

He added: "There has been a rise and it's worrying, the numbers are up 70%."

Mr Kozbar said worshippers have been individually targeted, especially women, and added: "They are visible and the most vulnerable and more affected.

"Some of them can't use public transport and can't go out at night.

"This is worrying for our community, we're living in the UK which is a very advanced country and safe and it's unfortunate some people have had such horrible experiences."

Police on the scene near Finsbury Park Mosque

The Met Police says it has been working with the mosque since the attack and has increased the number of specialist hate crime officers across London.

Stuart Ryan, acting commander for Islington and Camden, said: "The mosque has reported a number of incidents of hate crimes since the attack and we are working hard to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

Finsbury Park victim Makram Ali died of multiple injuries
Darren Osborne has been charged with murder and attempted murder over the incident

"Over the last few weeks, more police officers have been patrolling London and reassuring those who attend places of worship.

"They are also there to encourage anyone affected to report any incidents of hate crime, including Islamophobia, to police."

He added: "The Met would appeal to anyone who witnesses or suffers any hate of any type to immediately report it so that action can quickly be taken and catch those who are responsible."