

Then They Came For The London Conference on Intelligence–And Science, And Free Speech

All educated people know that, although Darwin’s Theory of Evolution explains intelligence differences between sub-species in all other animals, this CANNOT BE THE CASE WITH HUMANS. Psychologists can research whatever they like…BUT NOT THAT!


If psychologists do research human intelligence, then their conferences must be picketed or, better still, shut down. Berkeley’s Arthur Jensen received bomb threats and had to be accompanied by bodyguards on campus in 1969 for pursuing such research.

So it is not surprising that the British anti-intellectual Left descended into paroxysms of outrage in January when they discovered that a conference—which included many papers on race and the genetics of intelligence—had been held for four years at University College London [UCL], one of Britain’s most prestigious universities, without the university even knowing about it.

The mastermind behind the “London Conference on Intelligence” was Dr. James Thompson, an “honorary senior  lecturer” at UCL. (This is an emeritus position, he was previously a senior lecturer at the University of London—not the same school—from 1975-2007. ) Dr.  Thompson, who blogs at, organized the small-scale conference—which had 24 speakers in 2017, by invitation only—each year. Advertised only on H-BD websites, few Marxist academics found out about it. In fact, its existence only came to light by accident. Read more >>

Michelle Malkin: ‘Dreamers’ and Demons

Xinran Ji, 24, had big dreams. But demons demolished them.

The bright hopes of young Xinran Ji, a University of Southern California engineering student from Inner Mongolia, died in 2014 at the hands of a then-19-year-old "Dreamer" and his thug pals. Mexican illegal alien Jonathan DelCarmen, who first jumped the southern border at age 12, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder last summer in the savage robbery and fatal beating of Ji--who was walking home from a study group after midnight.

No, it wasn't President Trump, ICE agents, Republicans or conservative talk show hosts who racially profiled Xinran Ji. It was "Dreamer" DelCarmen and his partners in crime: Alberto Ochoa, 17, Andrew Garcia, 18, and Alejandra Guerrero, 16. The gangsters targeted Ji because he was Asian and assumed he "must have money." Guerrero had sent Facebook messages about wanting to "flock" (rob) white and Chinese people. Off-campus neighborhoods around USC are dominated by Mexican Mafia affiliates that target foreign students and shake down local businesses owned by law-abiding immigrants.

Jared Taylor: The 2018 AmRen Conference: A Time for Courage and Perseverance

Above, the 2016 Conference.

If the last few years have taught us anything, it is that history does not move in a straight line. For those of us who care about the fate of the West, there have been startling twists and turns—triumphs, defeats, and near misses.

There have been enough triumphs to show that there is a real chance of success, but there have been enough defeats and close calls to show that the fight for the West will be long and hard fought. These are some of the themes that we will take up at the next American Renaissance conference, which will be held near Nashville, Tennessee, from April 27 to 29.

Here is one of the twists that shows the nature of our struggle and how persistence will win in the end. In 2000—18 years ago—what lefties love to call an “extremist party” shared power in a European government for the first time since the end of the Second World War. The Austrian Freedom Party, under the leadership of Jörg Haider, got the second-largest vote count—27 percent—and joined a coalition with the center-right Austrian People’s Party.

There was Europe-wide hysteria. The other 14 members of the European Union froze all bilateral ties with Austria. Nicole Fontaine, president of the European parliament, raged about “the insulting, xenophobic and racist statements of Jörg Haider.” Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michelsaid it would be “immoral” to take a vacation in Austria, and schools across Europe canceled ski trips. Michel even hinted that Austria could be expelled from the EU: “Europe can very well do without Austria,” he said. “We don't need it.” Israel and the United States withdrew their ambassadors. When Freedom Party members were sworn in to cabinet positions, demonstrators nearly paralyzed Vienna. Read more >>

Patrick J. Buchanan: Too Many Wars. Too Many Enemies.

If Turkey is not bluffing, U.S. troops in Manbij, Syria, could be under fire by week's end, and NATO engulfed in the worst crisis in its history.

Turkish President Erdogan said Friday his troops will cleanse Manbij of Kurdish fighters, alongside whom U.S. troops are embedded.

Erdogan's foreign minister demanded

4-D Chess? DACA Final Test If Trump Knows What He’s Doing. (Spoiler: Answer Is No If He Doesn’t Propose Taxing...

We will finally find out if the memes are real. In President Trump’s magisterial August 31, 2016 campaign speech on immigration in Arizona, he vowed he would “immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive Amnesties.” Today, President Trump says he is offering Democrats a “wonderful deal” on DACA, including a pathway to citizenship. The Donald Trump of the campaign would undoubtedly have called it Amnesty. But could there be a more complicated agenda?


Contemplating Charlottesville: Why I Still Think (OK, Hope) That Trump’s DACA Dalliance Will Self-Destruct

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the American Left believes its own propaganda. That’s a major reason the # SchumerShutdown was routed—it tuned out, despite Main Stream Media mewling and pervasive pollaganda, that Americans really didn’t want their government paralyzed in order to Amnesty a bunch of undocumented Democrats. But the most dramatic recent example: the extraordinary success of Michael Wolff’s book Fire And Fury, purportedly an expose of the Trump White House after it trustingly (and inexplicably) granted him access. With blatant calculation, Wolff tells the Left, and America’s entire Ruling Class, exactly what it wants to hear about Trump—that he’s a moron, buffoon, ignoramus, etc. An accident! Go back to sleep!

(Similarly, my old friend David Frum has ensured that he and his social-climbing wife will continue to be invited to Georgetown dinner parties, despite being nominal Republicans, by dismissing, in his just-released Trumpocracy, Trump’s 2016 triumph as an “Electoral College fluke.”) Still, although Wolff’s slick novelistic style deliberately makes it hard to say where fact ends and fiction begins, I do think his account of Trump’s reaction to the scandalous Democrat repression of the Charlottesville Unite The Right rally “rings true” (as the saying goes). And it’s one reason I continue to be (guardedly) hopeful that Trump’s latest DACA dalliance could end well.

But first, a couple of caveats.
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