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When is a pint of beer not a pint of beer? When it's served in Adelaide.

ABC Adelaide |
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What do you do when your previously loving daughter transforms into a rebellious teenager?

ABC Radio Nightlife |
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Taking the first tentative steps towards new love in the wake of a partner's death can be terrifying.

ABC News |
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Each morning at 3:30am Ahmad creeps out of his house in the dark, leaving his wife and young son sleeping and makes his way to Bethlehem’s checkpoint 300 by shared taxi.

Palestinians in the West Bank have now spent 50 years under Israeli military control.

ABC Middle East correspondent Sophie McNeill tells the story of Occupied Lives.

ABC News |
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This story starts in 1918, when the steam ship Makambo came to grief off Lord Howe Island.

ABC RN Off Track|
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We all know Uluru is special, but few of us know how it was formed millions of years ago.

ABC Science |
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See how 21 architects have made functional living spaces in 90 square metres or less.

News Breakfast |
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Get your child into the outdoors if you want to help them avoid having vision issues later in life.

7.30 |
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The Antz Inya Pantz HQ coffee shop in Perth opened without offering disposable coffee cups, and co-owner Craig Muzeroll says the business saved 70,000 cups from ending up in landfill. #WarOnWasteAU

ABC Perth |
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Health experts say rushing to overwhelmed emergency departments may not always be the best course of action.

ABC News |
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