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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ
Ashamed to be a member of the self-styled human race. Proud to be 'that sort of vegan.'
Takip ediliyor
Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 sa.
Seriously, people - this is what you eat? What the fuck is wrong with you?
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 sa.
The lucky ones! Rescue animals enjoy for the first time the freedom we so cruelly deny their kind.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 sa.
A bloody disgrace! How 'humanity' treats the sensitive creatures it deems worthy of nothing more than the dinner plate. Shun speciesism -
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 sa.
This is dairy! With every glass of milk, with every slice of cheese, this is the heartlessness you fund. Show some compassion -
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 21 sa.
'Humanity' at work! The nonchalance with which the suffering and life of the innocent are dismissed at our cruel hands.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 21 sa.
"Fur farms have more in common with concentration camps than they do farms" - Professor Stephen Harris.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 21 sa.
Here are your chicken wings! The suffering you fund with every bite of flesh. Part 2.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 21 sa.
Here are your chicken wings! The suffering you fund with every bite of flesh. Part 1.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 Nis
"Forget the pig is an animal. Treat him just like a machine in a factory" - 'Hog Farm Management' journal. This is the reality of the food industry. Stop funding these disgraces -
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 Nis
"A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal" - Steve Maraboli.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 Nis
Kosher cutting corners! A brief look at the South American slaughterhouses that ship cheap, terror-laden meat around the world.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 Nis
All non-vegans should be made to watch 'Earthlings.' If you have a heart, you'll never touch animal products again.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ retweetledi
Melissa ⓥ 11 Nis
Who are you eating for dinner tonight? To think someone should be born to suffer then die just for you to eat...mind boggling.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 Nis
Where there are victims, you have not only a right, my friend, but a duty to tell people what they should eat. Causing avoidable suffering is morally wrong, and must be opposed at every juncture.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 Nis
So this is 'humanity'! Unimaginable suffering in Mexican slaughterhouses. Help stop the horror in this world -
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 Nis
"Animal testing only tests the ability of the human being to be inhuman" - Shenita Etwaroo.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 Nis
A brief summary of what you eat! If you still fund this, take a moment to ask yourself why... And then
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 16 Nis
Butchery of the bluefin tuna! The horrific suffering of sentient creatures in the fishing industry.
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 15 Nis
Dante's 'Inferno'? No, just your bacon sandwich. For fuck's sake,
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Rob Whitehall Ⓥ 15 Nis
Free from the squalour! Factory-farm hen warms to affection, after the grotesquery of confinement.
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