Horoscopes by Oscar Cainer
Thought for the day 31 January 2018
Anyone who's reading this in the Eastern Hemisphere will be able to watch the Total Lunar Eclipse. Any readers in Alaska and Hawaii will, weather permitting, be able to witness the cosmic spectacle too. But wherever you are, whatever the weather, this powerful influence heralds a bright day for us all. As the Super 'Blue Moon' darkens and turns red, it promises a return to the light. It will subtly yet effectively illuminate the way in which we can find a hopeful path towards a brighter future.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



jan 21 - feb 19

If you've ever done any building work you'll know the satisfying feeling you get when something needs to be knocked down. There's nothing quite like taking a hammer to a wall that's surplus to requirements. It's hard work, you need to wear protective gear to protect yourself from falling debris, and you might even get blisters on your hands. But it feels good. You've been working hard. The Blue Moon Eclipse brings the wind of change that will blow over anything that's been resisting your efforts.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



feb 20 - mar 20

You're very capable and talented. So much so that there are abilities within you that you've hardly even noticed. It's easy to overlook obvious skills when they're just part and parcel of who you are. But why are you so sure that the sensitive situation you find yourself in is impossible to solve? The Blue Moon Eclipse is empowering your imagination with the ability to solve a mystery and make a real difference. Your vision of the future is far more realistic, and probable than you dare to dream.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



mar 21 - apr 20

Divine inspiration doesn't come to those with hardened hearts. It rarely visits people who are immune to doubt or difficulty either. To be open to such guidance requires a level of sensitivity that renders us as vulnerable to criticism as it makes us capable of receiving encouragement. As the Blue Moon Eclipse arrives, don't worry about feeling vulnerable. If you free yourself from such concerns, your ability to act creatively and generously will be liberated. It's these qualities you need.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



apr 21 - may 21

What is the nature of the special mission you came here to fulfil? Do you have a vital role in a secret plan that only you can solve? You certainly have a huge amount of expertise and experience. And you're so much in demand that you haven't got time to think about answering these questions! There are many people with high expectations of you. The most important thing, as the Blue Moon Eclipse energises you today, is that you do what feels right and honourable to you.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



may 22 - june 22

There's a feeling at the moment that you're stuck on a treadmill. That no matter how much energy you put in, you're not making progress. You'd like some kind of sign that you're moving in the right direction. The Blue Moon Eclipse brings a realisation today. It will help you see how a minor adjustment to your plans can make a significant difference to the efficacy of a project. It shines a light on a much easier way for you to arrive at your goal. It's time to take a look at the map of your life.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



jun 23 - jul 23

'The best things in life are free', or so they say. But they also say that you get what you pay for and that 'everything has its price'. Perhaps it's best not to always listen to what 'they' have to say! People say anything to fit the situation and they adapt the facts to align with the expectations of their audience. It's not easy to find the truth - which often seems to lie in the middle of two extremes. The Blue Moon Eclipse brings welcome balance and shows you where to find freely given assistance.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



jul 24 - aug 23

A wand with no magic powers is not going to be much help today. Nor is a car with no fuel in its tank. But it doesn't take very much to turn something ordinary into something extraordinary. It's just that you've been feeling stuck in a quagmire of resistance to change, so it's no wonder you've forgotten that such magic is possible. The Blue Moon Eclipse is giving you the power to transform something that seems pointless into something precious. It's the change you've been waiting for.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



aug 24 - sep 23

Being gifted with empathy doesn't make life easy. Usually you can shut off from the emotional needs of those around you when you've had enough. But with extrasensory powers you don't have that option. The Blue Moon Eclipse is making you more sensitive than usual. With so much information coming your way, you need to avoid overload. You can't (and shouldn't) be responsible for so many people's wellbeing. Adjust the amount of attention you give.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



sep 24 - oct 23

There's always a chance that things will go wrong. But, with the Blue Moon Eclipse, it would be much more sensible to expect things to be rather lovely. Watch out for helpful serendipitous occurrences which improve your self-confidence and embolden you to improve your plans. You might even experience the feeling of inspiration artists enjoy which encourages them to produce great work. Whatever you do, don't restrict your creativity today. When you're in the zone, you've got to make the most of it.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



oct 24 - nov 22

Though it leaves you feeling sensitive, a Full Moon is a sign of completion. It brings a chance to perfect a process. When it's a Blue Moon, the energy's more sharply focused. When it's a Total Lunar Eclipse, the intensity is turned up to a higher notch. And if it's all these things? Why, the only thing that could make it a more auspicious would be if it was located in the Solar House representing your ambition. Now, take a wild guess as to where today's Total Eclipse of the Blue Moon occurs...

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



nov 23 - dec 21

We human beings seem to find it hard not to judge one another. Just in the act of criticising other people for doing it, we're doing it ourselves! Peace and consideration are our common goals. But we all nurse grievances and resentment. The Blue Moon Eclipse encourages you to see beyond logic and focus on the gifts you possess, which are easy to overlook. Your good humour and forgiving nature can change a situation that seems impossible into one of realistic hope.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)



dec 22 - jan 20

The Blue Moon Eclipse highlights an opportunity to redress an imbalance and pull back control in a situation that you've been taking great care over. You've been in a delicate position where someone else seems to have had more influence than they merit. As you reclaim your power, rather than doing so at their expense, you can enable them to take back real control over their actions. This subtle shift will affect your mood and your ability to appreciate life for the joy that it is.

This is a celestial event that happens... once in a Blue Moon. And to mark it? A massive 30% OFF your 2018 Guide to the Future. Seize the power of this rare and special moment. Download yours now! (OFFER ENDS TOMORROW)