Program published: Father Frost against Putin 2018 is сoming up soon. From 6 to 7 January Helsinki will host the fifth annual festival

Дед Мороз против Путина

Various initiatives and activists from post-soviet countries and the rest of Europe will be part of this event sharing stories and reports on the situation in their regions. There are plenty of reasons for exchanging perspectives: an increase in repression and a new round of political confrontations are accelerating certain historical processes, not giving us a chance to catch our breath. At this historical turning point, geo-politically and within nation states, we all need to understand and draw up a common assessment around current developments and ultimately think about what to do with Putin. 

The festival will be split in two parts: the usual reports and discussions, and an exciting concert.   The festival is open to all and is being held in the country closest to Russia with the least risk of being visited by special police units. However, to enter it, you will definitely need a passport and some may need a visa.\

Program published: 

This year's festival will take place in two spaces, Oranssi and Kupoli.

Oranssi Address: Kaasutehtaankatu 1, the 11th building in the Suvilahti industrial area. It is most easily to accessible by walking from the Sörnäinen metro station.

In Oranssi, the program will be held on Saturday from 11:30 to 18:00, and on Sunday from 11:30 until the end of the event.

On google maps:  


Kupoli Address: Mannerheimintie 5 b 7th floor. It is located in the center, 300 meters from main railway station. The easiest way to get there is on foot from the Sörnäinen metro station.   In Kupoli we will hold the program starting at 18:00 on Saturday.  

On Google maps:  


Full program will be published soon.  

Event in facebook

Event in Vkontakte:  

The festival organizers promise free meals to every visitor from abroad during the two-day festival. All food provided will be vegan, as it is the likeliest to suit most people. For additional information, contact - .  There are a limited amount of sleeping places provided by local activists. These will be offered to the first 20-30 people who will communicate their participation using the contact address below. These places will only be offered to activists who have recommendations.   Everyone else will have to organize their housing independently. Please keep in mind that due it being high tourist season you should book as far in advance as possible.  Since the festival is currently being organized at a strictly grassroots level without grants, we can only help speakers with travel and visa costs. We will also try to help with visa invitations. Everyone wishing to participate in the festival, please fill in questionnaire below and send it to - .  The questionnaire is only required for those who need help with accommodation. The last day to send the questionnaire is January 4.


Information about all events of the festival will be public.



Name / Nickname:

City / Region / Country:



Dates of stay (from when to when):

How did you find out about the event:

Who can give a recommendation/vouch for you:

Diet, allergies or anything else we need to know (food at the event will be vegan):

Suggestions for discussions, workshops or inputs that you could offer:

How much time would you need for your workshop/input and what technical equipment:


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