London Conference on Intelligence 2015

8-10 May, #LCI15

About the conference

The second London Conference on Intelligence will take place the 8-10 May in London at University College London. The conference follows 2014's successful version. The conference will involve presentations about empirical studies of intelligence, personality and behaviour, as well as a present a networking opportunity for researchers and other interested parties.


A selection of the papers to be presented:

  • Evolution vs. culture as background factors for international intelligence differences
  • Spearman’s hypothesis: Hypothesis or Law?
  • By their words ye shall know them: Evidence of genetic selection against general intelligence and concurrent environmental enrichment in vocabulary usage since the mid 19th century
  • National-Level Indicators of Male Hormones (Androgen) Relate to the Global Distribution of number of Scientific Publications and Nobel Prizes
  • In chimpanzees, more g-loaded cognitive abilities are more heritable, evolvable, and exhibit more inter-individual variability
  • General and domain-related effects of prenatal methyl-mercury exposure
  • Admixture in the Americas
  • Intelligence and occupational achievement in the US
  • Does intelligence explain the overrepresentation of liberals and leftists in American academia?
  • Population Differences in Androgen levels: A test of the Differential K theory
  • A Meta-analysis of Roma Intelligence: an update
  • Intelligence is correlated more with higher non-verbal ability than with verbal ability
  • Using frequencies of GWAS hits to estimate selection pressure and to increase the statistical power of GWA studies
  • Spearman’s hypothesis tested on group differences in personality

In order to let people travel on Friday morning and leave Sunday evening the conference will begin at 2pm on Friday 8th May for registration and coffee. In line with last year, we will begin with informal discussions so that everyone can meet each other, and then a few opening talks, followed by dinner at a nearby restaurant.

On Saturday 9th May papers will be presented from 9 am till the late afternoon, with another dinner that night. The conference will continue on Sunday 10th May, and will finish at about 1 pm.


We are looking for empirical studies of intelligence, personality and behaviour. Please send a one page abstract of your talk to us. Let us know your requirements regarding reporting of your paper. If speakers agree, the abstracts will be published as Proceedings of the London Conference on Intelligence.

Talks will be a maximum of 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions, but can be 10 or even 5 minutes long for those who prefer to present brief results. Allocation of speakers to times and days will be based on your preferences and also the themes covered.


You can contact us by using the emails below, or by using the twitter tag #LCI15.

General contact and submissions, James Thompson

Webmaster, Emil O. W. Kirkegaard