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  • H. S. T., 'Parliamentary Echoes. A Glimpse into South Australian History.', The Pioneer (Adelaide), 22 August 1891, p. 1. Image PDF Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • H.B, 'Editorial', West Campaigner, vol. 1, no. 6, CAMP WA [This scan courtesy of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Melbourne], 1973, p. 1. PDF Details
  • H.J.M., 'Slave Labor - imagined and real', Workers' Weekly, Communist Party of Australia, Sydney, 11 September 1931. Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • 'H.M', 'A further reply to John Reed's views', Communist Review, July, Central Committee Communist Party of Australia, Sydney, 1944, pp. 285-6. PDF Details
  • H.M.M., An outline of Social Credit [Extracts], The Douglas Credit Movement of Victoria, c1930. Image PDF Details
  • Hagerty, T. J., Economic Discontent And Its Remedy, Marxian Printing House, Sydney, 191?. Image PDF Details
  • Haire, Norman, 'Birth Control', in Haire, Norman (ed.), Some more medical views on birth control, London, 1928. Image PDF Details
  • Haire, Norman, 'Medical Ethics', in Sex Problems Today, 1942. Image PDF Details
  • Haley, Martin Edmund, 'The writer’s freedom of expression', Twentieth century, September, 1949, pp. 26-32. PDF Details
  • Half Baked, Revolutionary Socialists, Melbourne, February 1969. images PDF Details
  • Half Baked, vol. 1, Revolutionary Socialists, Melbourne, March 1969. Image PDF Details
  • Handbook for Tutors, Marx House, Sydney. Image PDF Details
  • Hardy, Wilson, The Cow Pasture Road, Art in Australia [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 1920. Image PDF Details
  • Hare, Bill, 'ACF report presents Greenhouse solutions', Conservation News, vol. 22, February 1990, 1990. Image PDF Details
  • Harper, Ken, 'The useful theatre: the New Theatre movement in Sydney and Melbourne 1935-1983', Meanjin, vol. 43, no. 1, University of Melbourne, Parkville, March 1984, pp. 56-71. PDF Details
  • Harris, Max, 'Introduction', in Ern Malley's poems, by James McAuley and Harold Stewart, 1970 edn, Mary Martin Publications, Adelaide, pp. 5-12. Details
  • Harris, Max, 'Editorial', Angry Penguins, no. 3, Adelaide University Arts Association, Adellaide, 1942, p. 4. Details
  • Harrison, Dan (ed.), 'Student Union Fees Set to Return', The Age, 30 September, 2010, http://www.theage.com.au/national/education/student-union-fees-to-return-20100929-15xgk.html. Details
  • Hartley, Rev F.J., Letter to Aust. P.M., 1961. Image PDF Details
  • Hartley, Rev. F.J., 'Principles of the Peace Movement and other extracts', in My Pilgrimage for Peace, Australian and New Zealand Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament, Melbourne, 1965. Image PDF Details
  • Hartley, Rev. Frank, 'Liberty leads Australia's fight for freedom', Liberty (Melbourne), no. 4, 27 October 1950. Image PDF Details
  • Hartley, Rev. Frank, 'Our liberties depend on action; force repeal of Crimes Act and other repressive laws', Liberty (Melbourne), no. 16, 26 June 1951. Image PDF Details
  • Hartwig, Mervyn, 'Capitalism and Aborigines: the theory of internal colonialism and its rivals', in Wheelwright, E.L. & Buckley, K. (ed.), Essays in the political economy of Australian capitalism, volume three, 1978 edn, vol. 3, Australia and New Zealand Book Company, Brookvale, 1978, pp. 119-141. Image PDF Details
  • H-Bombs IN Australia means H-Bombs ON Australia, R. Gould, Sydney, n.d.. Image PDF Details
  • Healey, Third Line Forcing: Has the Problem Gone Away?, University of New South Wales Law Journal, vol. 32, 2009, 249-262 pp, http://www.unswlawjournal.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/15_healey_2009.pdf. PDF Details
  • Healy, Dominic, A Voyage to Venus, Currawong Publishing Co., Sydney, 1943. Image PDF Details
  • Hear Ernest Mandel. Image PDF Details
  • Heathcote, Rev. Wyndham Selfe, What I Know: Reflections by a Philosophic Punter., Cornstalk Pub. [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 1928. Image PDF Details
  • Henderson, Don; Boardman, John; Cleary, Ann; Cleary, Marti, The Brisbane ladies, 1965 edn, B & W Records, Melbourne, 1965. MP3 Details
  • Henderson, Don; Boardman, John; Cleary, Ann; Cleary, Marti, Pacific fall out, 1965 edn, B & W Records, Melbourne, 1965. MP3 Details
  • Henderson, Don; Boardman, John; Cleary, Ann; Cleary, Marti, Asteroid light, 1965 edn, B & W Records, Melbourne, 1965. MP3 Details
  • Henderson, Don; Boardman, John; Cleary, Ann; Cleary, Marti, Basic wage dream - liner notes, B & W Records, Melbourne, 1965. PDF Details
  • Henderson, Don; Boardman, John; Cleary, Ann; Cleary, Marti, The overlanders, 1965 edn, B & W Records, Melbourne, 1965. MP3 Details
  • Henderson, Don; Boardman, John; Cleary, Ann; Cleary, Marti, Basic wage dream, 1965 edn, B & W Records, Melbourne, 1965. MP3 Details
  • Henderson, Don; Boardman, John; Cleary, Ann; Cleary, Marti, Basic wage blues, 1965 edn, B & W Records, Melbourne, 1965. MP3 Details
  • Henry Lawson Festival, 1960?. Image PDF Details
  • Henry, J. C., 25 years of the Australian Communist Party, Central Committee Australian Communist Party, Sydney, October 1945. Image PDF Details
  • Henry, J.C., 'All for the fighting fund (a report to the Central Committee meeting, 18-20, 1949)', Communist Review, April 1949. Image PDF Details
  • 'Heraclitus', Published by some Sydney Libertarians, Pluralists, Realists and Critical Drinkers., no. 29, [This scan courtesy of Viola Wilkins], Sydney, December, p. 14. images PDF Details
  • 'Heraclitus', Incomplete. Published by some Sydney Libertarians, Pluralists, Realists and Critical Drinkers., no. 58, [This scan courtesy of Viola Wilkins], Sydney, May, p. 7. images PDF Details
  • 'Heraclitus', Published by some Sydney Libertarians, Pluralists, Realists and Critical Drinkers., no. 90, [This scan courtesy of Viola Wilkins], Sydney, Sept 2001, p. 16. images PDF Details
  • 'Heraclitus', Published by some Sydney Libertarians, Pluralists, Realists and Critical Drinkers., no. 87, [This scan courtesy of Viola Wilkins], Sydney, April, p. 16. images PDF Details
  • Hill, E.F., 'The Party as the inheritor of socialist trends in the Victorian Labor Movement', Communist Review, August 1945. Image PDF Details
  • Hill, E.F., Defeat Menzies' Fascist Bill, A communist publication, R.Brett, Melbourne, 1950. Image PDF Details
  • Hill, E.F., Conspiracy Against the Australian People, Current Book Distributors, Sydney, 1953, 16 pp. PDF Details
  • Hill, E.F., The Petrov Conspiracy, 1954. Image PDF Details
  • Hill, E.F., The H-Bomb Japanese Rearmament & You, Current Book Distributors [This scan courtesy of Mike Williss], Sydney, 1954?, 16 pp. PDF Details
  • Hill, E.F., E.F. Hill's Speech to University Students on China's Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Text of Hill's speech which was delivered on 22 March 1967, Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) [This scan courtesy of Mike Williss], 1967, 13 pp. PDF Details
  • Hill, E.F., Democracy for Whom?, [This scan courtesy of Mike Williss], Melbourne, 1969?, 6 pp. PDF Details
  • Hill, E.F., 'Democratic centralism and revisionism', Australian Communist, c1963. Image PDF Details
  • Hill, E.F. (Ted), What is the Liberal Party?, 1945, 15 pp. PDF Details
  • Hill, E.F. (Ted), Builders of communism, A report on the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Current Book Distributors, Sydney, June 1959. Image PDF Details
  • Hill, E.F.; O'Shea, C.L.; Bull, A.E; Gallagher, N.L., The People Can Never Be Repressed - Defeat New Penal Powers, Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) [This scan courtesy of Mike Williss], Melbourne, May, 1977, 7 pp. PDF Details
  • Hills, John Francis, Child conscription; our country's shame, Burmeister & Co., Adelaide, 1912. Image PDF Details
  • Hills, Tom and Hills, Dot, Port Melbourne: Interview with Wendy Lowenstein II, Interviewed and recorded by Wendy Lowenstein, [This recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein]. MP3 Details
  • Hills, Tom and Hills, Dot, Port Melbourne: Interview with Wendy Lowenstein, Interviewed and recorded by Wendy Lowenstein at Port Melbourne, [This recording courtesy of Martie Lowenstein], July 1978. MP3 Details
  • Hiroshima Day: Stop the Nuclear Cycle, Coalition for a Nuclear Free Australia, Melbourne, 5 August 2001. images PDF Details
  • History of the Sydney University Labor Club 1925-45, Sydney, 1946. Image PDF Details
  • Hitler, like Menzies, promised to make everything alright, by banning Communism, c1950. Image PDF Details
  • Holland, H.E., Labor Leg-Ironed or Liberal and Labor Party Arbitration Acts in N.S.W, With introductory note by R.S. Ross, The Maoriland Worker, 1912. PDF Details
  • Holland, Harry, 'To the Electors': West Sydney Federal Election: The International Socialist Party, 1910. Transcript HTML Transcript PDF Details
  • Holloway, E. J., The Australian Victory over Conscription in 1916-1917, Anti-Conscription Jubilee Committee, Melbourne, 1966. Image PDF Details
  • Holmes, H (ed.), The socialist attitude, April 1948. Image PDF Details
  • Holmes, Henry, 'Australian Scene', Western Socialist (Boston), February 1947. Image PDF Details
  • Holmes, Henry, 'Trotskyism Today', The Western Socialist (Boston), May 1947. Image PDF Details
  • Holt, H.G., 'The socialist parties of New Zealand and Australia', Socialist Standard (London), April 1942. Image PDF Details
  • 'Home Women's Group'. Image PDF Details
  • Honesty, April 1887 to Nov 1888. Image PDF Details
  • Honi Soit, vol. 44, no. 15, July 1, 1971. Image PDF Details
  • Hopkins, Andrew, 'Anti-trust and the bourgeoisie: 1906 and 1965', in Wheelwright, E.L & Buckley, K (ed.), Essays in the political economy of Australian capitalism, volume two, 1978 edn, vol. 2, Australia & New Zealand Book Company, 1978, pp. 87-109. Image PDF Details
  • Horstman, Mark & Guy, Kevin, 'the second wave of occupation', Conservation News, vol. 22, July 1990, 1990. Image PDF Details
  • Housewives - A Meaty Problem, R.D. Gentle, Brisbane, n.d. Image PDF Details
  • 'Housewives' Rally in Stirring Peace Call', Tribune, 8 June 1949. Image PDF Details
  • How can I oppose the nuclear threat?, November 1981. Image PDF Details
  • 'How Labour Government persecute unemployed', Toiler (Brisbane), 25 October 1924. Image PDF Details
  • 'How Melbourne lives', Proletariat, Melbourne University Labor Club, Melbourne, April 1932. Image PDF Details
  • How the Crimes Bill Makes Hidden Attacks on Democratic Rights, Waterside Workers' Federation [This scan courtesy of Mike Williss], Sydney, 1960, 16 pp. PDF Details
  • How the war came : with a chronicle of events compiled from all the official papers published by the European governments, Industrial Workers of the World [This scan courtesy of the State Library of Victoria], Sydney, 1915?. Image PDF Details
  • How to take minutes at Occupy Melbourne General Assemblies, with Occupy Melbourne Facilitation Working Group, [This copy courtesy of Beth Muldoon], Melbourne, 2011-12. PDF Details
  • How to vote for the lizards, May 1986. Image PDF Details
  • Howard, E.M., 'Bernard O'Dowd (In memoriam)', Quest, no. 46, Unitarian Fellowship of Australia, Melbourne, September-October 1955. Image PDF Details
  • Howie, J., Reds in Congress: First Congress of the Red International of Labour Unions; Moscow, July 3rd, 1921, With preface by E.R. Voigt, Director and Secretary, Labor Research and Information Bureau, Trades Hall, Sydney., Industrial Print, Sydney, 1921, 33 pp. PDF Details
  • Hughes, Leigh (ed.), Gillard announces VSU lite, no. 765, Green Left Weely, Sydney, 30 August, 2008, https://www.greenleft.org.au/node/40196. Details
  • Hungary 1956: what really happened, 1968. Image PDF Details
  • The Hydrogen Bomb; the World in Danger, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1955. Image PDF Details