Peter Tatchell and Sally Hitchiner in conversation with Simon Barrow Fossil Free Future Banner on Climate Change March November 29th 2015 Don't Bomb Syria Rally Whitehall November 2015 Ekklesia Associate Savitri Hensman, author of Sexuality, struggle & saintliness:same sex love and the church Ekklesia COO Virginia Moffatt & Associate Vaughan Jones with the Ekklesia Banner Ekklesia Associate Symon Hill, author of The Upside Down Bible speaks at Greenbelt


Jan 19 2018

New analysis reveals nearly one in 10 new homes during the last two years was converted from an office and included no affordable housing or supporting investment in...


Jan 18 2018
The suggestion that people in the UK have died, and are dying, because of government policies is sometimes dismissed as extreme. But in the face of growing evidence, it would seem...