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Scoop attracts a high-value professional audience, and also a discerning general readership.

Scoop is read by more than 400,000 people each month, by sending your News and Press releases to you can access this audience; there is no cost for this service in accordance with the publishing policy, however professional users need to be licensed ScoopPro Users. Without a ScoopPro license, organisations are no longer able to take use multimedia features in submissions based on our terms of use.

The Publishing Policy

Scoop's policy on the publication of press release and associated material is simple. If it's a press release issued in New Zealand, is legible, legal, sane, not hateful and not defamatory we will most probably publish it.

While we must reserve the right to refuse any material for publication, and also to remove material at any time without notification, we don't tend to exercise it very often.

We also reserve the right link the news we choose to feature in our feature panels, to edit and correct material if necessary, to distribute material published via email and databases and to publish the views of those who might disagree with you.

We also reserve the right to provide priority publication to content from ScoopPro users and to refuse to include hyperlinks, images, video, audio and other multimedia files from non-ScoopPro users.

Scoop is always keen to receive submissions from columnists, journalists and writers from all around the world. For the avoidance of dissappointment we do not tend to pay submitters for their material.

Comments, articles, speeches and press releases should be directed to:

Note: Scoop only accepts content for publishing via email the above address.

Please include a contact phone number. If you wish to publish without contact details please request this.

All submissions of content are subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • 1. In providing content to Scoop Media for publication you acknowledge:
    • 1.1. That you are a copyright holder of the content being submitted for publication; or
    • 1.2. You have authority to distribute the content to Scoop for publication and to convey the copyright described below to Scoop.
  • 2. In providing content to Scoop for publication you acknowledge that:
    • 2.1. Scoop has the legal right to distribute the content publicly and commercially as it sees fit;
    • 2.2. That you are alienated from exercising control over the content as it appears on Scoop’s database; and
    • 2.3. That you authorise Scoop to exercise control over the published content as a copyright holder within the meaning of Section 8(2) of the Copyright Act 1994.
    • 2.4. For the purposes of clauses 1 and 2 ‘Scoop’ includes all media enterprises associated with including Newsagent.
  • 3. In providing content to Scoop Media for publication you acknowledge;
    • 3.1. That the content is of a good character and nature, and that it is submitted in good faith.
    • 3.2. Content submitted to Scoop for publication must not do any of the following:
      • 3.2.1. Harass, unduly offend, defame, breach privacy, breach copyright, be unlawful, be obscene, or cause any unnecessary or unlawful harm to any person or organisation what so ever without legal defense or cause.
      • 3.2.2. Liability for breach of clause 2.2.1 falls with the author of the content;
      • 3.2.3. Scoop is under no obligation to vet content for consistency with clause 2.2.1.
    • 3.3. Content submitted to Scoop must be well researched and written in a manner which reflects the best media standards.
    • 3.4. Scoop reserves the right to remove content from its database after publication;
    • 3.5. Submitters of content forgo the right to have content removed from the database.
      4. Scoop reserves the right to give priority to publishing of content submitted by ScoopPro users.
    • 4.1. Only ScoopPro users are permitted to feature hyperlinks in the published content on Scoop.
    • 4.2. Only ScoopPro users are permitted to feature images, video and audio files or other multimedia content in published content on Scoop.
    • 4.3. Scoop reserves the right to publish content submitted by ScoopPro users first and to publish non-ScoopPro users material only after all ScoopPro user content has been published.
    • 4.4. Scoop reserves the right to ignore the provisions of Clauses 4.1., 4.2. and 4.3. on a case-by-case basis where it is deemed content submitted by a non-ScoopPro user is highly newsworthy and timely publication with multimedia features would be in the public interest.
    • 4.5 Being a ScoopPro User in no way guarantees that we will publish your material or multimedia content as the ultimate decision will depend on newsworthiness and compliance with our publishing policy.