About Scoop

Introducing Scoop

Unique, independent and necessary in NZ media

Scoop.co.nz is an independent news website reaching more than 500,000 readers a month. Scoop's focus is on publishing important political and local content rather than clickbait, Scoop journalists are fiercely independent and the website is for the most part supported by subscription and licensing revenue. Scoop's comprehensive realtime breaking news press release feed and publicly accessible 18 year archive provides a voice to NZ civil society at the heart of Govt. and secures all NZers access to the information they need to be able to participate in NZ democracy.

Scoop Publishing Limited is a social enterprise which operates the Scoop.co.nz site with a small team including editorial and business staff. SPL is wholly owned by the Scoop Foundation for Public Interest Journalism a Not-For-Profit charitable trust established in 2015. Scoop is a part of the Enspiral Network of impact oriented ventures which has improved and decentralised organisational management and practices. Any profits Scoop Publishing makes will go to the Scoop Foundation to support Public Interest journalism projects like this one produced in 2016 on PND in NZ and this one funded in 2017 on Earthquakes.

Scoop is currently transitioning to a new sustainable funding model. Our Ethical Paywall system ensures open access to the public, organisations using Scoop purchase a Professional License. We now have over 100 organisations with this professional accreditation including Government Departments, law firms, universities, corporates and PR firms.

Learn more about professional licensing for your organiation.