
German right-winger converts to Islam. Gays are the reason.

German right-winger converts to Islam. Gays are the reason.

Arthur Wagner, 48, a far-right German politician, has caused an upset in his hardline, anti-Muslim ADF party by converting to Islam. Now it’s reported that some members of the Alternative für Deutschland party want him kicked out. He had been a key state legislative committee member for the AfD party in the German state of […]


What Jesus never told Caesar

What Jesus never told Caesar

Jerry Falwell Junior, son of the more famous religious fanatic of the same name, tweeted a profound religious thought a couple of days ago. Jesus said love our neighbors as ourselves but never told Caesar how to run Rome – he never said Roman soldiers should turn the other cheek in battle or that Caesar […]

From the archive

Muslims in India riot over ‘blasphemous’ underpants

Muslims in India riot over ‘blasphemous’ underpants

AT least nine people, including five policemen, were injured after violent protests erupted in different areas of Srinagar, India, when news spread through the city that the “sacred” Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem had been printed on underwear. The structure on the garment turned out to be an historic cathedral in Italy. Police said they […]