
Letters to the Editor – Email For Publication

In general, VDARE.COM prefers shorter letters, not to exceed 300 words, to longer ones. Letters of all lengths, however, may be edited for grammar, style and content with the assurance that the reader’s point will remain clear. Abusive letters have a high probability of being posted with email address. Every effort is made to answer in-coming mail although we do not always meet that goal. Please re-send any mail which did not receive a response if you care to.

Based Brigitte Bardot On The #MeToo Scam

[See Also: Je Suis Brigitte: Brigitte Bardot On Trial Again For [...]

A Reader Wonders If MLK Would Have Opposed Mass Immigration

Re: Clayton Bishop’s On Martin Luther King Day: Will #MeToo [...]

A Reader Attacks The NEW YORKER’s Hypocrisy On The Countries We Still Prefer Calling Hellholes

From: Sonny [Email him] Just another example of media hypocrisy [...]

A Black Baltimore Reader Is Appalled That We Would “Even Insinuate” That Integration Was Responsible For The Many, Many, Baltimore Murders Of Whites

Re: Paul Kersey’s His Name Was Alexander Wroblewski: Another White [...]

A Reader Reports That The War On Christmas Has Reached The CIA

From: A Conservative Christian Reader [Email him] Recently Michael Pompeo, [...]

A Bronx Catholic Writes To The Archdiocese of New York About Anti-White Favoritism, Finds Little Humility

From: Ken Reynolds [email him] Re: Peter Brimelow’s “It Will [...]

A California Reader Says That The Hurricane Harvey Cleanup Is Showing, Once Again, What Immigrants Do To Wages

From: Steve Smith [Email him] According to The Intercept, migrant [...]

A Virginia Reader Experiences A Globalist Homily At The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

From: A Virginia Reader [Email him] I thought you’d be [...]

A West Texas Reader Says We’re On A Mass Migration Roller Coaster—But We’re Getting To The Fun Part.

From: A West Texas Reader [Email him] That mass-migration [...]

An Australian Reports On Their Latest “Homegrown” (Afghan Muslim) Officially “Not A Terrorist” Attacker

From: Phil Shannon [Email him] On Thursday, a car accelerated [...]