
Why I Still Think (OK, Hope) That Trump’s DACA Dalliance Will Self-Destruct

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the American Left believes its own propaganda. That’s a major reason

John Derbyshire: Larry Nassar Is An (Arab-American) Creep, But Judgette Rosemarie Aquilina Is An (Immigrant) Hysteric

Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, available exclusively on As regular listeners know, I have a newspaper delivered

Case Study: Trump Enforcement Disrupts Cloverhill Bakery’s Helot Labor Business Model—But Why No Arrests?

America’s modern immigration debate is largely about cheap labor. The collapse of immigration law enforcement since the 1960s

Patrick J. Buchanan: In A Trump Hunt, Beware The Perjury Trap

Asked if he would agree to be interviewed by Robert [...]

Ann Coulter: Lindsey Graham, The Uninvited Guest At The Negotiation Table

Why does Sen. Lindsey Graham have a seat at the table on immigration? Are Jorge Ramos and Vicente

Memo From Middle America: Tax Remittances!—To Pay For The Wall And Break Latin America’s Worsening Addiction

Congress is still debating how to pay for the Great Wall Of Trump, but one of the President’s

Michelle Malkin: Home Schooling Is Not a Crime

It’s elementary. Education control freaks will use any excuse to [...]

Patrick J. Buchanan: Democracy Is On the Way Down, Tribalism On The Way Up

“The Western democratic system is hailed by the developed world [...]

Tactical Triumph For Trump On Government Shutdown. Real Showdown Ahead. Has GOP Learned?

Schumer's achievement: --Got a debate on a Dreamer bill McConnell said he'd have anyway --Exposed lack of popular support for

Hell Freezes Over—In Shutdown Fight, Congressional GOP Stands With Americans Against Illegal Aliens

Hell must have frozen over last week. As of Sunday afternoon, Congressional Republicans are still standing firm in