
Fascists burn down social centre in Thessaloniki

Report on yesterday's fascist violence in Thessaloniki, Greece, which saw two social centres attacked, including Libertatia, a libertarian communist social centre, which was burnt down. Also includes a statement from the Libertatia collective, calling for a demonstration this evening.

Belgian Deliveroo couriers on strike

The collective of Deliveroo couriers is on strike every Saturday to protest against a precarization of their status. Since last week, actions are taking place in several Belgian cities.

India: Students occupy Vishwavidyalaya metro station to protests against fare hike

Protest at Vishwavidyalaya metro station

Students from Delhi University occupied gate 3 of the Vishwavidyalaya metro station yesterday to protest against a fare hike, vowing to stay until the hike was reversed by the transit authorities or central government.

Caliphate and barbarism: the final struggle?

As we do regularly with texts which we do not necessarily claim neither the totality of contents, nor the militant dynamics or the programmatic body of their authors (whether they are collectives or individuals), we reproduce (for the moment only in French) on our blog the new article of Tristan Leoni on the Islamic State and the Syrian-Iraqi conflict, originally published on the blog DDT21 Douter de tout… | Douter de tout… pour tenir l’essentiel [DDT21 Doubting about everything… | Doubting about everything… to hold the essentials].

Califat et barbarie : la lutte finale ?

Comme nous le faisons régulièrement avec des textes dont nous ne revendiquons pas forcément ni la totalité du contenu, ni obligatoirement la dynamique militante ou le corps programmatique de leurs auteurs (collectifs ou individuels), nous reproduisons sur notre blog le nouvel article de Tristan Leoni sur l’État islamique et le conflit syro-irakien, initialement publié sur le blog DDT21 Douter de tout… | Douter de tout… pour tenir l’essentiel.

Elephant and Castle redevelopment shelved as residents storm Southwark Council

Protesters occupying the foyer of Southwark Council

Southwark Council has been forced to bow to community pressure, temporarily shelving the redevelopment of Elephant and Castle shopping centre on a night which saw anti-gentrification protesters storm the council's offices.

IWW Cymru joins forces with the Couriers Network Cymru

The Welsh branch of the IWW have teamed up with the Couriers Network Cymru to help fight for better conditions across the industry.

Florida Prisoners Are Laying It Down

Prison strike solidarity demonstration at RMC Lake Butler, FL.

During early 2018 prisoners across Florida are gonna “laydown” in nonviolent protest of the intolerable conditions in Florida’s prisons.

Protests across Sudan against austerity measures and price rises

Qassim Badri attacks a student

Protests have erupted across Sudan in response to a doubling of bread prices. At least one high school student has been killed, and the Dean of a womens' university was filmed beating protesting students in Khartoum.

Tunisia: Power belongs to the street

With protests across Iran still ongoing, a rebellion in Tunisia has seen three days of demonstrations in over twenty towns against rising costs and high unemployment as the anniversary of the 2011 Revolution draws near.