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MetaCurrency Project
Living system design for communication, collaboration & . beyond . Dynamic . Projects:
MetaCurrency Project 14h
Thank you wonderful community of backers! The crowdfund time is about to close and we want to reach 500K! Ready to change the internet?
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MetaIntegral Dec 29
not only moves us into the direction of evolution, it also reveals the next possibilities for planetary prosperity.
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Holo Jan 25
NorCal! Next Holochain MeetUp hosted by 's CFO Jim Cook in their SF office! Wednesday Jan. 31 6pm Pacific
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MetaCurrency Project Jan 24
Competition – Future of Money Design Awards! -
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Faye Adams Jan 22
A good start to progressing that goal is current-sees of real value generation... check out if you are not already aware of this living systems based, mutual credit, innovation...
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MetaCurrency Project Jan 22
Updates to the . The launch date has been delayed. You still have time to get whitelisted. Details below.
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MetaCurrency Project Jan 22
Step by Step: Install and Clutter in under 5 minutes - What is clutter? A twitter!
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MetaCurrency Project Jan 22
Designing Ecosystem Flows for a Responsible ICO -
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MetaCurrency Project Jan 20
Get 'em while they're ! The ICO launches in less than 3 days. Make sure you're whitelisted before Jan. 23rd to grab some HoloTokens on the first day. Note: Citizens of the US, China, & South Korea will not be able to participate in the Initial Community Offering.
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Kyle Eschenroeder Jan 20
Playful vs Serious in Finite and Infinite Games “It is, in fact, seriousness that closes itself to consequence, for seriousness is a dread of the unpredictable outcome of open possibility.”
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MetaCurrency Project Jan 19
A Radical Vision for Food: Everyone Growing It for Each Other -
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Holochain Jan 17
Couldn't have said it better ourselves On there is no need for one node to process every transaction, limiting the entire system. Go , join our community building
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Jennifer Sertl #a3r Jan 9
Excellent: Beyond including "care economics" in big picture of how communities truly thrive cc
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P2P Foundation Jan 11
Our new report examines the re-emergence of the urban commons as both a bottom-up emergence by citizens/commoners and a radical municipal administrative configuration. cc:
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Holo Jan 8
What is Holo fuel? Crypto-Accounting​ ​rather​ ​than​ ​Cryptocurrency. We encourage ?'s & discussion! Join us in Our Initial Community Offering opens January 9th Take time to read the Green Paper () before participating.
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Ferananda Ibarra Jan 9
We are transforming the world! culminating piece of blog series : "
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Holo Jan 7
A couple of treats for you. An introduction video to our ICO from Jean Russell: & Arthur Brock's culminating piece of the blog series "Launching an Ethical ICO": 2 days until whitelisting opens. Stay tuned.
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Holochain Dec 24
When you participate in the Initial Community Offering you support Holo’s development of the network and of the tech that makes it work. Create the conditions in which a *truly agent-centric* computing system might be adopted.
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MetaCurrency Project Dec 27
As you invest in are you creating a life affirming economy? Can you get yours while growing ours? YES you can!
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MetaCurrency Project Dec 25
What rewards people for sharing and being a contribution? And does so without extracting wealth from those sharing it? HOLO does! Live the questions with Jean Russell -
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