
Firespring Named Nebraska’s First Certified B Corporation

Firespring has become the first Certified B Corporation (B Corp) in the state of Nebraska. By voluntarily meeting rigorous standards of transparency, accountability and performance, Certified B Corps distinguish themselves in a cluttered marketplace by offering a positive vision of a better way to do business.


Firespring's purpose is to leverage our people, products and profit as a force for good. We know our impact in the world can be magnified through the nonprofit clients we serve. To support that, we provide technology grants and free education programs, and give hours of our time to build relationships that surpass those built on business alone.

You could say that we’re obsessed with our clients’ success. We believe that everyone has the capacity to change the world. The more clients we have, the more impact we make.


Firespring contributes significant amounts of our time, money and technology through personal service in our community and significant investments in educational programs and grants for nonprofits.

We meet these requirements by contributing time, money and technology to advance important causes. Employees are paid to take 8 hours every month to volunteer in the community, contributing well over 10,000 hours of service each year. Firespring also donated over $500,000 to nonprofits in 2016 and invested more than 500 hours to produce and conduct educational sessions for the nonprofit sector.


B Lab is a nonprofit organization that serves a global movement to redefine success in business so that all companies compete not only to be the best in the world, but the best for the world. Companies must meet set criteria to be considered a Certified B Corp, including the B Impact Assessment. The assessment measures and compares businesses to help improve their social and environmental performance.