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Updated January 30, 2018 - 1:34 AM EST
US Defies Turkey, Won't Withdraw From Manbij
  US Mission Creep in Syria: Is It Legal?
  Turkey Has Detained Over 300 for Opposing Syria Invasion
Trump: US Unwilling to Talk With Taliban
  A Week of Deadly Attacks in Afghanistan Show US Policy Failing
Iran: US Navy Behaving Better in Persian Gulf
South Yemen Separatists in Tank Battle for Control of Aden
Data Shows Sprawling US Military Footprint in Africa
item The Untold Story of the Pentagon Papers Co-Conspirators  by Eric Lichtblau
item Mueller's Forgotten Surveillance Crime Spree  by James Bovard
item Capitalize on the Olympic Truce, Formalize a Freeze With North Korea  by Kevin Martin
item Too Many Wars, Too Many Enemies  by Patrick J. Buchanan
item Will Bolton Replace McMaster?  by Daniel Larison
item This Deeply Held Commitment: A Meditation on the Death of Robert Parry Caitlin Johnstone

More Viewpoints

The Doomsday Weapon
by Eric Margolis
Pentagon Reviewing Security After Fitness Apps Show Locations
House Intel Panel Votes to Make Nunes Memo Public
Russia Says SU-27 Fighter Jet Intercepts US Spy Plane Over Black Sea: RIA
US Army Leader Tells Germany: Meet Spending Goal or Weaken NATO
China Says 'Terror' Risks in Xinjiang Remains Serious Despite Security Push
China Denies Report It Hacked African Union Headquarters
Kim Jong Nam Met US National on Malaysian Island Before He Was Killed, Police Say
US Sees Haqqani Network Behind Ambulance Bombing in Kabul
Myanmar Advisory Panel Chief Says It Cannot Interfere in Court Case Against Reporters
Philippine Police Return to War on Drugs, Cannot Promise No Bloodshed
Nigerian Air Force Killed Dozens in Attacks on Villages: Amnesty
Nigeria Extradites 47 Separatists to Cameroon
South Sudan
South Sudan Rebel Group Releases 15 Prisoners
African Union Joins Growing Chorus Demanding Sanctions on South Sudan War
Egyptian Politician Emerges as Sole Election Challenger to Sisi
African Union Warns Against Rush to Elections in Libya
Al-Qaeda's Mali Branch Releases Colombian Captive Video
Colombia Suspends Peace Talks With ELN Rebels After Bomb Attacks
Ecuador Links Police Barracks Bombing to Colombia FARC Dissidents
Air Strikes Kill More Than 30 in Syria's Idlib: Monitor, Rescuers
Turkey Confirms Use of German Tanks in Afrin Offensive
Russian Military Calls for Direct Talks in Syria's Eastern Ghouta: RIA
Kremlin Unfazed by Syrian Opposition Boycott of Peace Conference
France, Britain Shun Sochi Meeting on Syria, Want UN Process
ISIS Attacks Vex Security Forces NE of Baghdad; 15 Killed in Iraq
Iraqi Parliament Votes to Lift Sanctions on Kurdistan Region Banks: TV
Iraq Sends $210 Million to Kurdistan for Salaries
Youngest Children Held by Israel Jailed for Months
UN Employees in Gaza Demonstrate Against US Aid Cut
Paypal Freezes Out Palestine Activists in France
Israeli Air Force Leaning Toward Upgraded F-15 Over F-35 for Next Fighter Jet Acquisition
What's Next for Catalonia and Would-Be Leader Puigdemont?
Associates of Russian Opposition Leader Held Over Protest
Mexico Front-Runner Vows to Do Away With Presidential Immunity
Drug Suspect, Three Associates Die in Clash in Northern Mexico
Read more

Justin Raimondo
Kick Turkey Out of NATO

David R. Henderson
Rex Tillerson at Hoover

Lucy Steigerwald
Missile False Alarm in Hawaii: How Wrong Buttons Can Wreak Havoc

Sheldon Richman
The FBI Is Not Your Friend

Ran HaCohen
Jerusalem, the Capital of Apartheid

Ivan Eland
Why Can't Right-Wing Leaders Support Smaller Government?

Dan Sanchez
Is Wonder Woman War Propaganda?

Nebojsa Malic
Biden in Belgrade: A Trip Down NATO-Invasion Memory Lane

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