With so much unreliable information on the Internet about healthcare topics, solid patient education will lift your site’s search engine rankings and help establish you as an online resource for worried patients. A practice website enriched with valuable education can be a highly effective way to communicate your expertise, reduce anxieties, increase acceptance of treatment recommendations and improve patient knowledge about their health.

For many practices, Officite offers the option of incorporating an extensive library of articles about your specialty on your website, making your website an important resource for new and returning patients. Detailed articles about your practice’s services and common medical problems helps visitors gain a thorough understanding of the services you offer, as well as insights about their problems and answers to general and specific questions.

Patient educational articles are a tremendous way to build confidence in new patients, and gives returning patients a reason to come back to your website – and recommend you to their family and friends.

Your library of educational articles can be edited and customized using our intuitive site editor.