Easy Management of Your Entire Online Presence

Officite websites include easy, one-of-a-kind site editing technology, integrated Web statistics and robust applications that put you in control of your site’s performance. Using our exclusive Doctor Portal, your one-stop Web presence management tool, you will have access to:

  • Site Editor
  • Officite email accounts
  • Track new patient appointment requests
  • View new patient appointment requests
  • Monitor web statistics to measure website’s performance
  • Request support through the Officite ticketing system
  • Access support information, including educational articles and video tutorials
  • Manage online presence via widgets
  • New appointment fax notification
  • Integrated Google AdWords reporting

Site Editor

Be as hands-on or hands-off as you like. Our easy to use Site Editor is superior to any other site editing technology available. Whether you want to add copy to your home page, add a staff photo, or update your blog, you can easily and quickly make changes to your site whenever you need to. The Site Editor and site editing tutorials can be accessed through the Doctor Portal. Or, simply request a ticket change with our production team and we’ll make the changes for you. It’s really that simple.

Web Stats
How will you determine if your website is driving new patients to your practice? With Officite, you gain access to a wide array of Web statistics that quantify your website’s effectiveness. From the Doctor Portal, you can monitor key statistics, such as:

  • How many unique visitors have come to your site
  • Which pages visitors are viewing
  • How long visitors spend on your site
  • How many visitors requested more information
  • How your performance compares across days, months, quarters and years

These statistics give you a clear picture of how well your website is performing. And if you elect to work with Officite to create a Google AdWords campaign, a wealth of additional performance statistics will help you get the most from your online advertising dollars.