Join the Conversation and Step It Up for Gender Equality


In the State of Palestine, women represent half of the population. Palestinian women have high enrollment rates in education (94.4 percent), but in the labor market, there is still a wide gap between female and male participation 19.1% compared to 72.5% respectively in 2015). On the other hand, while progress has been registered in women’s participation in Palestinian public life through their presence in legislative bodies, ministries, enterprises, female participation in political life remains low.


UNDP targets gender equality as part of its programming in its three main work streams: sustainable development; inclusive and effective democratic governance; and risk prevention and resilience. UNDP’s Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People has an extensive portfolio of projects and programmes that is contributing to the mainstreaming of gender and empowerment of women in the Palestinian society. 


UNDP’s social and public infrastructure interventions, including in the education and health sectors, ensure improved access to basic services for women and girls. On a different front, UNDP is supporting women in decision-making processes and ensuring women’s access to justice and legal representation in courts.


Thousands of women are benefiting from enhanced access to more equal, efficient and effective business development services, business finance, entrepreneurial programmes, business incubators and accelerators, trade and export services throughout the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.


During the month of March 2016, UNDP/PAPP organized a series of internal and external activities marking the 2016 theme for International Women’s Day “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step it Up for Gender Equality”. In addition to programme related activities, UNDP/PAPP interviewed several Palestinian prominent figures to seek their perspective on gender equality, conducted a social media campaign and embarked on its first office wide inclusion survey to collectively identify margings for improvement.  


Our Stories

Yasmeen from Gaza holding a piece of coal produced from agricultural waste through the UNDP project
Turning Agricultural Waste into income in Gaza

The agricultural sector in the Gaza Strip is the main source of livelihood for almost 40,000 farmers. It represents 12.7% of the labour force and producesmore 

Nofouz, 34, doing some stitch work at the Palestinian Society for Rehabilitation of Displaced in Gaza. The centre is being renovated by UNDP with funds from Al Fakhoora Programme
Enhancing quality of life and opportunities to learn

The 2014 hostilities on the Gaza Strip have had a tremendous impact on the education sector. Many schools and educational facilities were damaged or totallymore 

UN Volunteers, Mona and Diana, at one of the rubble removal sites in Gaza
Volunteering to Safely Remove Rubble in Gaza

In Gaza, women and men are working together to pave the road for reconstruction after the hostilities in 2014. UNDP’s USD 14 million rubble removal programmemore 

Female lawyer providing consultation at one of the legal aid clinics in Gaza
Building new lives with legal aid support in Gaza

Mai is a 35-year-old woman living in Al-Mghazi Camp in Gaza. She was first married at the age of 22 but her marriage ended without receivingmore 

A palestinian woman participates in a training. Photo: UNDP
In Gaza, first female mukhtarah mediates legal disputes

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Inayat Nageeb in her lingerie shop, a business she was able to start thanks to a grant from DEEP. Through her business, she has doubled her family's income. (Photo: UNDP PAPP)
Woman lifts her family out of poverty in the West Bank

Starting a business with limited resources in East Jerusalem, West Bank, is a challenge — especially for women. For Inayat Nageeb, a housewife and a mothermore 

Heba attending class with fellow students at the Shohada’ Al-Maghazi school in Gaza
Resuming a Hobby of Making Beautiful Designs

Heba Abdel-Jawad, is a 15 year old attending the tenth grade at Shohada’ Al-Maghazi school in Gaza. She is one of the best students in hermore 

Inspired by Local Flavours

In a land rich with varieties of crops, fruits and herds, Palestinian women have always been leading the food industry, as the traditional ways of makingmore 

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