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'Alf' Defence hack raises US State Department's hackles

The hacking of an Australian defence firm has raised concerns in Washington, which has sought answers on how data from sensitive projects including the American-designed Joint Strike Fighter was so easily stolen, Fairfax Media understands.

It is understood that US officials have issued a "please explain" to Australia as to whether the information security measures used by the small company that was a subcontractor on several major projects involving sensitive US intellectual property were sufficient.

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Defence hack a warning: Pyne

Hackers got hold of sensitive not classified information about Australia's war planes and navy vessels and the Defence Industry minister says it's a warning to us all.

An official from the Australian Signals Directorate – the nation's defence cyber spies – revealed last week that hackers the directorate codenamed "Alf" after a Home and Away character, possibly backed by a foreign government, breached the firm in 2016 and stole 30 gigabytes' worth of data.

The data included commercially sensitive material on defence projects including the $14 billion Joint Strike Fighter program, the P-8 Poseidon surveillance plane and several naval ships.

The firm had what the ASD official branded "sloppy" IT security, including using default "admin" and "guest" logons and passwords.

A US State Department official declined to comment on the specific case but said that "as a general matter, we can say that the State Department expects all individuals and companies to take necessary steps to safeguard sensitive defense technologies to fully comply with International Traffic in Arms Regulations".


Much of the data was covered by these US regulations, which require any company or foreign government that handles such data to register information with the State Department demonstrating it follows minimum required security standards.

It is understood the US is now asking questions as to whether this company was indeed following those standards. The State Department expects that all parties with access to such data – including governments, contractors and subcontractors – comply with the regulations and avoid violations.

Cyber Security Minister Dan Tehan said the government was doing everything it could to make sure all its defence and spy agencies were secure, and sought to downplay the latest hack.

"Where they were penetrated it was to do with commercial-in-confidence, it wasn't anything to do with our national security," he said on Sunday.

Australian industry sources said it is often a murky question as to who is responsible for overseeing the security of smaller subcontractors, who usually have deals with larger "prime" contractors. These primes in turn have contracts with the Defence Department.

A spokeswoman for the Defence Department said obligations to comply with US regulations were "a matter for the company and whomever it was subcontracting to".

But she added that "Defence reviews ITAR compliance on an ongoing basis and is in regular discussion with the United States on ITAR-related matters".

The Australian government has said categorically that no classified material was involved in this breach.

The Defence spokeswoman said the department gave security support and advice through the Defence Industry Security Program to any contractors who were handling classified material.

"A business, whether a prime contractor or subcontractor, is required to obtain and maintain membership of the Defence Industry Security Program when it will be accessing, handling or storing information across a spectrum of national security classifications," she said.

Defence and the Australian Cyber Security Centre – which leads the government's cyber protection efforts and draws expertise from a number of agencies – had held cyber security forums for defence companies in August 2017, she said.

 With Adam Gartrell