The Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) works for the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction and the prevention of armed conflict. We promote peace through research, advocacy, peace education and partnerships. Please use our many resources on nuclear weapons, power and waste, peace and conflicts.

Our professional not-for-profit organisation has branches across Australia, and works globally through the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Please consider joining us, or supporting our work with a donation.

Recent News

Watch ICAN Receive the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize

Watch Beatrice Finn and Hiroshima survivor, Setsuko Thurlow, accept the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of ICANi. Their speeches send a powerful message to the world that nuclear weapons must be banned.

Click here to watch the ceremony in full.


More form Oslo - Sue Coleman-Haseldine talks about the impact of nuclear testing on her community

Sue Coleman-Haseldine has been at the forefront of the camapign to abolish nuclear weapons. As a survivor of British nuclear testing at Maralinga and Emu Fields, Sue has supported ICANi's campaign by speaking out and sharing her testamony with people from around the world.

Message from the Aussies in Oslo - Tonight the Nobel Peace Prize is Awared!!!!

The Australian ICANi/MAPW crew in Oslo send you a message of thanks and support as they wait for the Nobel PEace Prize ceremony to start.

Click here to watch

Catch up on Events in Oslo with Dr Margaret Beavis - video 2 now available

Dr Margaret Beavis has posted the second video diary of her trip to Oslo. Dr Beavis will be attending the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony tomorrow.

Click here to watch Margie talk about the seminar she attended at the International Red Cross in Oslo earlier today.


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