About UNDP in Tanzania

Alvaro Rodriguez with Tanzania Foreign Minister


UNDP is the UN's global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help build a better life. UNDP started its operations in Tanzania after signing of Standard Basic Assistance Agreement (SBAA) with the Government in 30th May 1978.

The United Nations Development Assistance Plan phase one 2011-2016 (UNDAPI) concluded on the 30th of June 2016 and the second phase of UNDAP officially began on the 1st of July 2016.

The second phase of UNDAP II to Tanzania aims to build on the foundation that has been established by UNDAP I by working hand-in-hand with the government and other development actors and partners.

UNDAP II runs concurrently with the government of Tanzania’s (GoT’s) development frameworks i.e. the second Five Year Development Plan (FYDP II 2016-2021), the Tanzania Development vision 2025 and Zanzibar Vision 2020, UNDP’s

Country Programme Document (CPD) 2016- 2012 and has also taken into consideration global development agendas such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were adopted in September of 2015.

In view of this, the overall focus for UNDP in Tanzania is to support the Government of Tanzania to improve lives of the people through strategic programmatic areas of inclusive democratic governance,  inclusive economic growth and sustainable livelihoods and evironment sustainability, climate change and resilience.

Who are the decision makers?

The Key decision makers within the UNDP Tanzania  are as Follows:  

UNDP Senior Management Team

  • UNDP Resident Representative & UN Resident Coordinator - Alvaro Rodriguez
  • UNDP Country Director Director  - Natalie Boucly
  • UNDP Deputy Country Director (Operations) - Dancila Mukarubayiza

UNDP Practice Specialists

  • Practice Specialist (Capacity Development) and Head of Programme - Amon Manyama
  • Practice Specialist (Environment & Natural Resources) - Gertrude Lyatuu
  • Practice Specialist( Climate Change & Energy) - Abbas Kitogo
  • Practice Specialist (Private Sector Development ) - Ernest Salla
  • Practice Specialist (Governance) - Godfrey Mulisa

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