The future starts now.

Netlify is committed to the future of web development - we have established partnerships with boot camps and code schools to assist with curriculum and programs for new developers. Learn more about how we are helping teams like yours and consider partnering with Netlify to help your next cohort of developers.

AWS and Cloudfront seem like overkill for a simple portfolio site. Netlify has taken away the complexity and leaves room to focus on writing code instead of learning devops.

Want to learn more about Bloc?
 Check it out here →

We use Netlify to teach our students how to deploy their sites online. They build their online portfolio while learning about various aspects of deployment and productization, like CDN networks, minification of assets, custom domains and many more. All with hands-on practice around Netlify capabilities.

Want to learn more about Tech career booster?
 Check it out here →

Netlify is unique from everyone else because that they believe in and support developers. Netlify provides an easy place to display and showcase developer projects for others to see.

Want to learn more about Coding temple?
 Check it out here →

We are here to help.

Netlify has developed features that are perfect for the classroom setting. We tailored tools to help coding mentors and teachers provide the best learning experience to their students.

Simple Starter Templates

Netlify has an array of catered templates created by us and the community to kickstart portfolios and starter projects.

See some templates here →

Continuous Deployment

Continuous deployment works by connecting a git repository to a Netlify site and keeping the two in sync. Netlify will run your build command and deploy the result whenever you push to GitHub, BitBucket, or GitLab.

Try out continuouos deployment today →

Scalable Tools for a Classroom Management

Manage templates, prep projects, and field questions from students all from the Netlify dashboard.

Coming Soon →

Be a part of the education movement