Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

UK: Earth First! Winter Moot 2018

from Earth First! UK

A weekend of campaign updates, networking, planning, solidarity and socialising in Sheffield – in solidarity with Sheffield Tree Action Group. Involved or want to get involved in ecological resistance in Britain & Ireland? Whether you are fighting fracking, opencast coal, fracking, GM, nuclear power, new road building or quarries. The Winter Moot is for you.

The programme for the weekend will be available here in due course.

Cost scale: £25/30. This includes full vegan meals and accommodation. But no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Arrive Friday evening (from 6pm) for evening meal, leave Sunday (ends by 4pm). It will be an indoor floor sleeping space so bring a warm sleeping bag and mat too …

Regather Co-op, 57-59 Club Garden Road, Sheffield, S118BU
Train – Sheffield Station is a 20 minute walk away

For all other info or offers e-mail

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