"Obviously a weaker dollar is good for us as it relates to trade and opportunities," Mnuchin told reporters in Davos. ...

Trump advisers back weaker $US

The US dollar fell to a three-year low after US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin endorsed a weaker greenback.

Narendra Modi: "I do not want the walls and the windows of my house to be closed from all directions but that the wind ...

Modi vows to catapult India into super league

The self-styled "Thatcher" of India vowed to tear down barriers and build a $US5 trillion economy by 2025, vaulting the country into third place far ahead of Japan and Germany.

Turnbull's budget gets a Trump bump

Treasury is set to ramp up its global forecasts in the May budget as the Trump tax revolution helps fan a growing tailwind for the Turnbull ...