What Niki Scevak, Blackbird Ventures co-founder, reads

The Elon Musk biography by Ashlee Vance was great – he was just so close to the edge so many times. He is an ...
The Elon Musk biography by Ashlee Vance was great – he was just so close to the edge so many times. He is an inspiration, says Niki Scevak. Dominic K Lorrimer
by Nicole Abadee

The co-founder of Blackbird Ventures, Niki Scevak, finds inspiration in books about entrepreneurs operating close to the edge.

What are you reading?

The Hero With A Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell, published in 1949, on the recommendation of [American] investor and philanthropist Ray Dalio. Dalio founded Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest hedge fund, and in his book, Principles, he sets out the principles he uses to make decisions in business and in life. It is the best book I have read in the last year.

The other book that really changed my life was Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind [by Yuval Noah Harari], with its unifying view of the world.

Do you read many books about business?

More books relating to business. My favourite is Poor Charlie's Almanack, a collection of speeches by Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's business partner. He explains that to become a great investor you need to apply lessons from other disciplines, such as psychology, biology and history. All the big breakthroughs have occurred when people have done this.

How do you read?

Mainly audiobooks, as I drive to and from work. I have two young kids (six and three) so I don't have much other time to read. I have learnt how to speed up the audiobooks so that I can take in more information more quickly. I get through two to three a month.

Which books have inspired you?

Charlie Munger's book, and also Ayn Rand's books, because they test what you believe in. I was especially inspired by the parts about the entrepreneurial journey and about how you should measure yourself against a personal scorecard, rather than some social standard.

What are the best books you have read about technology?

The Elon Musk biography by Ashlee Vance was great – he was just so close to the edge so many times. He is an inspiration.

My favourite is Zero to One by entrepreneur Peter Thiel, about how start-ups are created – how you create something that is truly exceptional. That has had a big impact on me. I realised that you are actually looking for the strange outlier, not the thing that fits the trend.

In 2014 we invested in Tim Kentley-Klay and Zoox, which is making driverless cars. It sounded so strange, and that is what you should be looking for. The more ambitious an idea the more likely it is to happen.

The February issue of AFR Magazine is out on Friday, February 2 inside The Australian Financial Review.

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