Thesis update trainThe Thesis update train rolls on with version 2.6, and the Theme just continues to get better at everything.

We’re talking better compatibility with WordPress Plugins, better SEO with newer and smarter canonical URLs, better design with more Google Fonts and golden ratio layout tuning, and even better customization thanks to thoughtful interface tweaks.

Let’s take a look at the gory details and see why Thesis 2.6 is the most advanced Theme in the history of WordPress (and it ain’t even close).

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Over the weekend, I re-launched the DIYthemes Blog with a new design based on the Social Triggers Skin.

Naturally, the design is mobile-responsive and optimized for speed, and I was even able to reduce the amount of custom code needed to run everything by over 90%!

But there’s something far more interesting about this redesign…

A huge part of the effort had nothing to do with CSS or pixels; instead, it was about going back through all the old content and repackaging it in a more useful, more organized way.

Today, we’ll look at the some of the lessons I learned from this experience. These are all things you’ll want to copy to improve your own sites!

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Thesis 2.5 is available now via automatic updates in your WordPress Dashboard, and you’ll want to update immediately to take advantage of a couple new cutting-edge features.

In this article, I’ll show you how Thesis has the best and most flexible Schema support of any WordPress theme.

After that, we’ll take a look at the new Global Site Tag, which massively simplifies the process of configuring your website with Google tools and services.

Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

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Our goal at DIYthemes has always been a simple one: We want to help you build a fast, standards-compliant website you love.

Of course, this is why we built Thesis, and it’s also why we continue to focus on making it more efficient and easier to use.

But here’s the thing…

No matter how good Thesis or any other Theme is, you still have to set up your website and make it your own.

This process involves Plugins, tracking codes (like Google Analytics), integrations, and design tweaks, and in almost every case, this requires you to learn a new system—or multiple systems—to pull it all off!

Unsurprisingly, by the time everything is said and done, your site has transformed into a slow, disorganized shell of its former self. You probably have more gray hair, too.

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Save Options UI feedback in Thesis 2.4Here at DIYthemes, our goal for 2017 is a simple one: We want to make Thesis smarter and better able to accommodate your website needs.

We already made great strides with Thesis 2.3 and its built-in WooCommerce compatibility, and we also sprinkled in some features and fixes that help Thesis work better wherever you want to use it (staging servers, WP-CLI environments, etc).

With Thesis 2.4, we are pleased to introduce a new saving/response feedback system on Thesis Admin pages and the Skin Editor. Whenever you hit that green Save button, Thesis will tell you exactly what’s happening.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg with Thesis 2.4. Check out the version 2.4 changelog, or else read on for a look at the most important updates in this new version.

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