Global Temperatures Global Troposphere Temperatures Average click here For full size [+]
A major study of 74 million temperature-related deaths across 13 counties shows that cold temperatures kill how many times more people than hot temperatures?
  • 3 times
  • 17 times
  • 34 times
Providing Insight
Into Climate Change
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Calgary - The climate cost-benefit question

The City of Calgary has been actively engaged in incorporating climate change planning into almost every level of municipal culture. But has anyone stopped to ask questions about the Cost-Benefit of some of these proposals and initiatives?  Do citizens even know what some aspects of ‘going green’ will cost them? Is ‘climate change’ too often a diversion of funds and attention from more serious municipal needs like flood mitigation, infrastructure, or homelessness? Friends of Science Society has issued two reports responding to the City of Calgary’s Climate Change Plan.


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Invite one of our Speakers to Talk Climate Science, Policy, Commentary, here.

Our Most Recent Articles: Click Here Button

lavaGeothermal for Alberta? A Case for Caution, here


Robert Lyman on the implications of climate change targets for Canada, here.

Paris Eiffel tower


McKitrick on Climate Change" - click here for video clip series.


From Ice Age to Nice AgeClimate changes throughout time. Climate models are flawed as shown by the hiatus. See here

Calgary Chamber 2017

Climate Science Essay

Help us stop dangerous CO2 reduction policies.

smoke stack

A Confluence of Carbonbaggers, here

Solar flare with Earth to scale"IPCC AR5 Section7.4.6 says, "Many studies have reported observations that link solar activity to particular aspects of the climate system." 
See Videos:
The Cosmic Ray Climate Link
Climate and the Variable Sun

The greenhouse effect has changed very little. Temperatures may increase by 0.3 C by 2100 in response to CO2 emissions. See report here.

More CO2 makes plants grow! Click on image to see video. CO2 fertilization

Flag of FranceCliquez ici pour l'article en français


FoS Blog

Burning Questions: Phase out coal campaign

See Burning Questions phase out coal report, click here.


coal cart

Alberta’s Proposed Climate Plan: A Burden with No Benefit, here


Thoenes' views on CO2

Dr. Nir Shaviv explain that the sun has a large effect on climate, here or click image. 
Dr. Thoenes of the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, presents his views on the inflence of CO2 on global climate change - See more at:

The Canadian Climate Model - No match to observations!

Canadian Climate Model - No match to observations

See article HERE (Now to 2015!)

Consensus on Global Warming? See our report: 97% Consensus? NO! Global Warming Math Myths & Social Proofs table here. 

Save the scientific method from Big Green propaganda and faulty science.

Carbon Dioxide has nominal impact on temperature.




"Canadian Economist Debunks Claims of NY City Pension Fund in Climate Change Lawsuit Against Oil Companies"

"Friends of Science Speaker Challenges Alberta Government Climate Change Policies at Agricultural Conference"

"Take off the Veneer of Certainty on Climate Change Science"


   More Press Releases Here


FoS Extracts - Last issue 2018-01-23

See our FoS Extracts, a summary of current climate policy stories for 2018, click here. FoS Extracts are emailed to members 2 to 3 times per month.

FoS Climate Science News - Last issue 2018-01-17

See Climate Science News for 2018, click here. CliSci's are emailed to members 2 to 3 times per month.

Graph of New climate model projections and observations Here. Huge discrepancy!

                 See Our Position Paper Here

Carbon dioxide is plant food. CO2 emissions increase crop yields and the forest's productivity.

Carbon dioxide is a wonderful by-product of fossil fuel use. 

See our report on the Alberta climate plan and the social cost of carbon, short version here, technical version here.

Greenhouse gas emissions are very beneficial, with net benefits in Canada continually increasing throughout the 21st century. The social cost of carbon best estimate on a global basis is -17 US$/tCO2 and is extremely likely less than -4 US$/tCO2. The social benefits greatly exceed the social costs.


Fos Graph Animation 

Do you need more time to study these graphs? See our Climate Science Essay for sources and discussion of these and other graphs here, see Climate Science here.


1.    The earth's atmosphere is warming very slowly. Click here.
2.    The Sun causes climate change. Click here.
3.    Al Gore was wrong about CO2. Click here.
4.    Violent weather isn’t getting worse. Click here.
5.    It’s been hotter. Click here. 
6.    Climate computer models are proven wrong. Click here.

This debate matters!  The science matters.  

Please take time to review the many resources available by the left navigaton menu. Contact your local MP click here and ask why Canada has committed billions of dollars for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduction (here) to fight a problem that doesn’t exist? CO2 emissions have only a tiny effect on temperatures, but strongly enhance plant growth.

See our science summary, Global Warming or Cooling?, click here. This may be printed and folded to form a pamphlet.

Our Position: While FOS does not do any original scientific research, it does extensive literature research and draws on the worldwide body of work by scientists in all fields relating to global climate change. To read our Position Statement, click here.

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