Every website needs a privacy policy

It’s the law, everywhere

Today privacy policies don’t work

boring to read, a chore to write

No privacy policy means you risk terrible fines

and you can’t rely on copy and paste

iubenda is the solution

Generate a privacy policy in seconds

Easy. Fast. Beautiful.

Start generating a privacy policy,
or scroll down to learn more :)

Generate a privacy policy for your website


Trusted by over 30,000 customers in 100+ countries

  • Opengov
  • Martini
  • MIT
  • Goethe Universität Frankfurt
  • Ustwo
  • New York Code Co.
  • honda

About iubenda

Every website, including yours, needs a privacy policy
Iubenda is the most stylish and effective way to generate one

We’ll help you generate your privacy policy in just 3 steps. It takes only five minutes and you don’t need any legal skills.
It’s as easy as that because our dev and legal team have already done most of the work, handling all the legal stuff.
Your privacy policy is hosted in the cloud and is embedded into your website using a few lines of code.

The privacy policy

Our privacy policy is a carefully crafted combination of
design, usability and information architecture

Our privacy policy has two different pages: the first one is optimized for reading and simplicity, the second one speaks the legal language.

The best privacy policy ever

Simple to read
No more confusing
legal jargon.
Multiple Languages
Save money
on translations.
No Copy and Paste
Don’t risk a fine
using self-made policies.

Read more about our features  ›

Backed by a legal team

Our privacy policies are generated automatically, but each word is continuously revised by our legal team.
We do our utmost to keep the privacy policies up to date, constantly reviewing and solving all the legal complexities that arise.
You can count on the experience of a top legal team without hiring one, but this is no consultancy service, as you are the one who customizes and reviews each step.

Read about the legal requirements  ›

The privacy policy generator

Set up your own privacy policy in just a few seconds

Add services
Insert the owner
Embed the policy
Show the result

Add the services used on your website

Google Analytics, Google Adsense, or even a simple mailing list form are a requirement on your privacy policy.
We call them services.

Insert the website owner

Here you must type the required references about the data controller.

Embed the privacy policy

We provide you with a small piece of code to embed into your website.
It shows an icon, but you can also choose the plain text version.

Enjoy the privacy policy

When you click on the icon, your beautiful privacy policy pops up,
finely designed and seamlessly integrated with your website.

Read more about our features  ›

Cookie policy generator and Cookie Solution

The iubenda Cookie Solution is your complete solution for the management of cookie banners, cookie policies and user consent

Visualize a banner on your site containing a link to a cookie policy which is being generated in a click based on the configuration of your privacy policy.
Blocks cookies preventively and reactivates them without a page refresh once the user's consent is obtained, consent by scrolling included.
The iubenda Cookie Solution is the most widespread solution to a big regulatory problem, seen on billions of page views/month, it works in desktop and mobile contexts on every device and every resolution.

Learn more about the iubenda Cookie Solution  ›

A must have

Part of your base development toolkit

Install iubenda on every website you build!

For developers,
by developers

We speak your language :)
Seamlessly integrated
The privacy policy
opens as a lightbox.
Remotely updated
Update the privacy policy
in just a few clicks.

Read more about our features  ›

Simple product, simple pricing

Generate a privacy policy, right now!

Generating and using the privacy policy is completely free of charge

It’s free ;)

Generate policies in English, Spanish, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Dutch and Italian. More coming soon.


privacy policies already generated

For premium features, upgrade your policy to Pro for just $27/year for each website and language.