Mariarosa Dalla Costa – The Attack on the Earth

I just attended a meeting with a Colombian trade unionist who represented networks of farmers. It was organized by the Inter-University student association. What the unionist had to say was a piece of poetry which opened and freed the minds of those who, sitting in the school benches of a crowded lecture hall, sought the truth about the “seeds of discord”, or biotechnology. The same people who were seeking the truth about war and all other forms of siege that more and more often interrupt the fabric of life. This science brings death, said Luis, referring to the agricultural logic and technologies that continue to be imposed on developing countries (if you will pardon the expression). But it also kills the spirit of man. Because we believe that the spirit lies outside of man. It is in the ground, in trees, in rivers. If we destroy all this, man will no longer have spirit. I gathered spirit just from hearing him say these things.

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