- published: 21 May 2017
- views: 252387
A video blog or video log, usually shortened to vlog/ˈvlɒɡ/, is a form of blog for which the medium is video, and is a form of web television. Vlog entries often combine embedded video (or a video link) with supporting text, images, and other metadata. Entries can be recorded in one take or cut into multiple parts. The vlog category is popular on YouTube.
Video logs (vlogs) also often take advantage of web syndication to allow for the distribution of video over the Internet using either the RSS or Atom syndication formats, for automatic aggregation and playback on mobile devices and personal computers (See video podcast).
A video log created while riding a motorcycle is known as a motovlog (abbreviation of motorcycle video log).
On January 2, 2000, Adam Kontras posted a video alongside a blog entry aimed at informing his friends and family of his cross-country move to Los Angeles in pursuit of show business, marking the first post on what would later become the longest-running video blog in history. In November of that year, Adrian Miles posted a video of changing text on a still image, coining the term vog to refer to his video blog. In 2004, Steve Garfield launched his own video blog and declared that year "the year of the video blog".
How To Vlog | How To Be A Vlogger!
How To Vlog
Vlogging Tips – How To Grow A Vlog Channel (7 Tips)
The Best Vlogging Camera of 2017
The Danger of Daily Vlogging
Rise of The Superstar Vloggers (Vlogging Documentary) - Real Stories
Killer $350 Vlogging Camera and Lens Setup
One of the number one questions I get asked is how to vlog or how to start a vlog channel. So here is a video dedicated to those who are thinking about starting a channel or who are just wanting tips! Hope you like it! If you guys want to see more "how to" vids in the future let me know in the comments below! ---------------------------------------------------- Vlog channel: ashleynicholevlogs Let's get this video to 10,000 Thumbs up! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @AshNichole_xo xoMissAshleyNichole@gmail.com
For more daily vlogging tips, download the free guide “7 Mistakes Vloggers Make” here: http://videoinfluencers.net/mistakes In this video we share tips for daily vlogging and specifically 7 questions that will help you improve your vlogs and get more views and subscribers. These tips should give you some YouTube vlog ideas and give you practical ideas for how to grow a vlog channel. Subscribe to Video Influencers for more YouTube tips and tricks and to learn how to get more views on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/user/videoinfluencers Benji on Social Media: YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/benjimantv Instagram- http://instagram.com/benjimanfood Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/benjimantv Twitter- https://twitter.com/benjimantv Snapchat = @BenjiManTV Sean Cannell on Social Medi...
Grab your 365 DAY MAVERICK MERCH! Exclusively available for 48 hours only! ► https://ShopLoganPaul.com/ I owe this all to you guys. Seriously, thank you. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY VLOGS! ► http://bit.ly/Subscribe2Logan Watch Yesterday’s Vlog ► https://youtu.be/4x6r-ymjNB4 ADD ME ON: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/LoganPaul/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LoganPaul I’m a 22 year old kid living in Hollywood. I make comedy vids, travel a lot, and I have a pretty colorful parrot named Maverick. This is my life. https://www.youtube.com/LoganPaulVlogs
- Sawyer's Instagram Filters http://bit.ly/sawyersinstafilters I think I've honestly found the best vlogging camera of 2017! I know a lot of my viewers also make vlogs or one day aspire to make similar content, so i decided to review all of my favorite vlogging cameras! LINKS TO ALL CAMERAS ARE BELOW!!! -- Subscribe to this channel for New Videos everyday! http://bit.ly/ZMLOuV The Camera's I Reviewed Canon 1dx Mark ii http://amzn.to/2ioOel3 Canon 70d http://amzn.to/2ioRaOk Canon Eos M5 http://amzn.to/2jjp4Uz Canon G7x Mark ii http://amzn.to/2jJXDQe - Find Me on Instagram! @Sawyerhartman - Follow Me On Twitter and tell me how you enjoyed it! http://www.twitter.com/Sawyerhartman MY P.O. Box! Box 413 8391 Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048 Shot on a Canon 70d, M5 & 1dx Mark ii If You'...
Pewdiepie, Casey Neistat and the Shaytards have all quit daily vlogs recently - is it a healthy lifestyle? with footage from: https://www.youtube.com/user/PointlessBlogTv https://www.youtube.com/user/KingBachVideos https://www.youtube.com/user/RomanAtwoodVlogs https://www.youtube.com/user/BFvsGF https://www.youtube.com/user/FunForLouis/ https://www.youtube.com/user/caseyneistat https://www.youtube.com/user/LeFloofTV https://www.youtube.com/user/PewDiePie https://www.youtube.com/user/benbrown100/ https://www.youtube.com/user/SuperwomanVlogs https://www.youtube.com/user/SHAYTARDS Graded with FilmConvert - 10% off: http://dslrguide.tv/filmconvert (I earn a commission from purchases ^^) Host and Creator - Simon Cade WEBSITE: http://dslrguide.tv TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/dslrguidance ...
So here is my biggest advice for vlogging!! Have you wanted to be a vlogger?? hehe enjoy this look into my life!! xo -Alisha Marie Twitter: @AlishaMarie + Instagram: @Alisha Snapchat: LidaLu11 Chloe's Instagram: @itsmechloemae Subscribe to my Main Channel::: http://www.youtube.com/user/macbby11 macbby11@yahoo.com
Vloggers now sell out stadiums and have fanbases boy bands would kill for. Jim Chapman, himself a superstar vlogger with quarter of a billion views of his videos, takes us behind the scenes of the biggest vloggers on the planet. Jim meets Tyler Oakley, whose vlogs have earned him an audience with President Obama. He hangs out with Ingrid Nilsen, whose 'coming out' video drew an audience of twelve million and hears from her viewers about the impact it has had on them. He visits Alfie Deyes, who is now immortalised in wax in Madame Tussaud's alongside his vlogging girlfriend Zoella. We hear from KSI about how a vlogger from Watford was named by Variety magazine as more influential than Taylor Swift, and from Joe Sugg, whose new movie became the fastest selling DVD on Amazon. Jim investigat...
If you're looking for a solid little vlogging camera and lens you need to check out the Sony a5000! This is probably the best vlogging camera on a budget with exception to one single fault... Sony a5000 Used ► http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=10&pub;=5575079859&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337460102&customid;=&icep;_uq=Sony+a5000&icep;_sellerId=&icep;_ex_kw=&icep;_sortBy=12&icep;_catId=&icep;_minPrice=&icep;_maxPrice=&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg Sony 16mm F2.8 Used ► http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=10&pub;=5575079859&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337460102&customid;=&icep;_uq=sony+sel16f28&icep;_sellerId=&icep;_ex_kw=&icep;_sortBy=12&icep;_catId=&icep;_minPrice=&icep;_maxPrice=&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg Sony...
Watch Yesterday’s Vlog ► https://youtu.be/Ojrx6DQfA3k Today I learned just how hard it is to be a Vlogger. I also watched the first presidential debate with my boys in Brooklyn. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY VLOGS! ► ► http://bit.ly/Subscribe2Logan INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/LoganPaul/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LoganPaul I’m a 21 year old kid living in Hollywood. I make comedy vids, travel a lot, and I have a pretty colorful parrot named Maverick. This is my life. https://www.youtube.com/LoganPaulVlogs