27 January 2018

Conflict in Washington escalates with report Trump sought to fire special prosecutor

By Patrick Martin, 27 January 2018

The front-page story in the New York Times marks a new stage in the ongoing political warfare in Washington.

As special counsel zeros in on Trump, political warfare in Washington heats up

One year of Democratic sabotage of opposition to Trump

UK Defence Secretary accuses Russia of planning to kill “thousands and thousands and thousands” of Britons

By Robert Stevens, 27 January 2018

Williamson’s comments come just days after the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces declared that Britain must actively prepare for war with Russia.

British Armed Forces chief prepares for war with Russia

World Economic Forum meets in Davos under shadow of crisis and war

Julian Assange challenges warrant for his arrest as doctors confirm worsening of his health

By Margot Miller, 27 January 2018

The clinicians, with a combined four decades of experience, said Assange's "continued confinement" is "a clear infringement of his human right to healthcare.”

Freedom for Julian Assange!

Will ICE raid this Detroit Church?

Ded Rranxburgaj has lived in the US for 17 years, and is the sole caregiver for his disabled wife, Flora. Wanted by ICE, they're seeking refuge in a church in downtown Detroit.

Detroit protest against planned deportation of Albanian immigrant

Thousands of students stranded as Ohio cyber charter school suddenly shuts down

By Nancy Hanover, 27 January 2018

The Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow, an Ohio online-only school, abruptly shut down last week, amid multiple scandals over millions of dollars of state aid.

Notes on police violence
Unarmed 25-year-old shot nine times at close range by US Park Police

By Harvey Simpkins, 27 January 2018

While Bijan Ghaisar was gunned downed by police on November 17 of last year, police dashcam video of the incident was only released on Wednesday.

Police in Racine, Wisconsin fatally shoot 26-year-old man during traffic stop

Ohio police kill 16-year-old in courthouse

More on police violence in America »

Nashville mayor tight-lipped on plans to gut services at General Hospital

By Warren Duzak, 27 January 2018

Mayor Barry has proposed turning the hospital into an outpatient clinic, leaving the poor and working class families without an inpatient facility, hospital beds, major surgical facilities.

Ontario Tory leader felled by unsubstantiated sexual misconduct allegations

By Roger Jordan and Keith Jones, 27 January 2018

Within the space of four hours, Brown went from being the favourite to be Ontario’s next premier to a political outcast—all on the basis of unsubstantiated, anonymous allegations.

India: First-ever visit by an Israeli PM used to strengthen strategic ties

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 27 January 2018

India’s burgeoning military-strategic partnership with Israel dovetails with its ever-more pronounced alignment with Washington and its principal Asian allies, Japan and Australia.

New evidence of mistreatment in Western Australian juvenile prison

By Eric Ludlow, 27 January 2018

Amnesty International documents ongoing abuses amounting to torture in a youth detention centre.

Southeast Australian heatwaves signal a horror fire season

By Frank Gaglioti, 27 January 2018

Concerns are being raised that extreme heatwaves are becoming the new norm as a result of global warming and climate change.

New in German

UAW-Korruptionsskandal in den USA: Ein Plädoyer für den Aufbau von Arbeiterkomitees

Joseph Kishore, 27. Januar 2018

Um Tarifabschlüsse durchzusetzen, hat Fiat-Chrysler UAW-Funktionäre bestochen. Das entlarvt den arbeiterfeindlichen Charakter des gesamten Gewerkschaftsapparats.

IG Metall bereitet Ausverkauf des Tarifkampfs vor

Gustav Kemper, 27. Januar 2018

Trotz Abbruchs der Tarifgespräche durch den Arbeitgeberverband kehrt die IG Metall an den Verhandlungstisch zurück. Mit Rücksicht auf die Bildung einer Großen Koalition soll ein Vollstreik verhindert werden.

Planen die USA einen atomaren Überraschungsangriff auf Nordkorea?

Bill Van Auken, 27. Januar 2018

Neben der fieberhaften Aufrüstung des US-Militärs hat Washington auch eine weitere Runde von Sanktionen verhängt, um die nordkoreanische Wirtschaft abzuwürgen.

Was bezweckt die NoGroKo-Kampagne der Jusos?

Peter Schwarz, 27. Januar 2018

Die Kampagne der Jusos gegen eine Neuauflage der Großen Koalition hat in der SPD-Führung und anderen politischen Kreisen erhebliche Nervosität ausgelöst.

Britischer General bereitet Krieg mit Russland vor

Robert Stevens, 27. Januar 2018

Die „Notwendigkeit“, mit einer Einsatzfähigkeit zu Lande von bis zu 2.000 km Reichweite zu planen, ist eine direkte Bedrohung Russlands mit einer erschreckenden historischen Parallele.

Spielbergs Verlegerin: Soll man die Lügen der Regierung entlarven oder nicht?

Joanne Laurier, 27. Januar 2018

Der Film behandelt die Auseinandersetzung über die Veröffentlichung der Pentagon-Papiere in der Redaktion der Washington Post.

Studentische Beschäftigte demonstrieren in Berlin für mehr Lohn

unseren Korrespondenten, 27. Januar 2018

Am Donnerstag demonstrierten knapp 1.000 studentische Beschäftigte der Berliner Universitäten für eine Lohnerhöhung und die Verbesserung ihrer Arbeitsbedingungen.

New in Spanish

El escándalo de corrupción del UAW: el caso a favor de comités obreros

Por Joseph Kishore, 27 enero 2018

Los sobornos de Fiat Chrysler a los funcionarios del UAW durante las negociaciones para un contrato expone el carácter antiobrero de todo el aparato sindical en su conjunto.

¿Habrá un ataque nuclear furtivo de Estados Unidos contra Corea del Norte?

Por Bill Van Auken, 27 enero 2018

En medio de una enardecida acumulación militar estadounidense, Washington impuso una nueva serie de sanciones para estrangular a la economía norcoreana.

Entre discusiones de presupuesto, Senadores Demócratas abandonan migrantes “Dreamers” amenazados con deportación

Por Niles Niemuth, 27 enero 2018

Los demócratas han utilizado la crítica situación de los beneficiarios de DACA para posar como defensores de los inmigrantes mientras se acercan más que nunca a las políticas migratorias racistas del Gobierno de Trump.

Los Parlamentos de Francia y Alemania preparan renovar su alianza, 55 años desde el tratado del Elíseo

Por Alex Lantier, 27 enero 2018

La resolución compromete a Berlín y París a una gran acumulación militar y profundas medidas de austeridad para permitirles costear operaciones militares independientes de Washington.

Se reforma el bloque comercial de Asia y el Pacífico dejando afuera a los EE. UU.

Por Mike Head, 27 enero 2018

El anuncio del "TPP 11" señala el creciente aislamiento de los EE. UU. y las crecientes tensiones entre las potencias capitalistas rivales.

Campaña contra Rusia: los demócratas exigen que Facebook y Twitter publiquen información de campañas sobre espiar a Trump

Por Andre Damon, 27 enero 2018

Legisladores demócratas han enviado una carta a las compañías de las redes sociales exigiendo que compilen listas de cuentas que difunden el hashtag #ReleaseTheMemo.

La ultraderechista Alternativa para Alemania goza de apoyo multipartidista

Por Christoph Vandreier, 27 enero 2018

Los extremistas de derecha del AfD están siendo nombrados para puestos críticos en las comisiones legislativas, las cuales son cruciales para el trabajo del Parlamento.

New in French

Le Forum économique mondial se réunit à Davos sur fond de crise et de guerre

Bill Van Auken, 26 janvier 2018

Les oligarques du monde se réunissent alors que l’ordre capitaliste d’après guerre s’effrondre et que les conflits montent entre de grandes puissances.

Les États-Unis intensifient la guerre pour l'annexion de la Syrie

Bill Van Auken, 26 janvier 2018

En Syrie, le passage déclaré du Pentagone de la «guerre contre la terreur» au conflit entre les grandes puissances a déjà été réalisé, comme le démontrent les faits sanglants sur le terrain.

Les leçons politiques du faux «shutdown» du gouvernement américain

Eric London, 26 janvier 2018

Le caractère lâche de la supposée défense des jeunes immigrés par les démocrates contraste fortement avec leurs campagne furieuse contre la Russie.

Pour de nouvelles élections et une solution socialiste à la grande coalition en Allemagne

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Parti de l’égalité socialiste), 26 janvier 2018

L’élite au pouvoir ne peut être autorisée à former le gouvernement le plus à droite depuis la chute du régime nazi, face à une forte opposition des travailleurs et des jeunes.

Cette semaine dans l'histoire: du 22 au 28 janvier
Il y a 75 ans: marchandage impérialiste à Casablanca

26 janvier 2018

Le 24 janvier 1943, les dirigeants britanniques, français et américains concluent un grand sommet en Afrique du Nord, à Casablanca, au Maroc.

New in Turkish

Hawaii’deki “yanlış alarm” ve Kuzey Kore’ye karşı ilerlemiş savaş hazırlıkları

Bill Van Auken, 26 Ocak 2018

Hawaii’de sahneye konan füze alarmı, son derece ciddi bir uyarı oluşturmaktadır. Bu olay, nükleer savaşa ilişkin gerçek tehlikeyi milyonlarca kişinin önünde açığa vurmuştur.

Almanya’daki Thyssen ile Tata Steel’in birleşmesi
Sendika destekli çelik toplu sözleşmesine “Hayır” oyu verin! Tüm işçileri savunun!

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi (Almanya), 26 Ocak 2018

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi (SGP), Almanya’daki altı noktadaki yaklaşık 27.000 çelik işçisini toplu sözleşmeye karşı çıkmaya ve “Hayır” oyu vererek onu engellemeye çağırıyor.

Hindistan: İşçiler WSWS destekçilerini sendika önderlerine karşı savundu

Muhabirlerimizden, 26 Ocak 2018

WSWS destekleyicilerine yönelik bu fiziksel saldırı, sendika bürokrasisinin kapitalist sisteme karşı bağımsız bir işçi sınıfı hareketinin gelişmesinden duyduğu korkuyu göstermektedir.

IYSSE Berlin Humboldt Üniversitesi’ndeki öğrenci meclisine yeniden seçildi

IYSSE (Humboldt Üniversitesi), 26 Ocak 2018

IYSSE, Berlin Humboldt Üniversitesi’nde 16-17 Ocak’ta düzenlenen bu yılki öğrenci meclisi seçimlerinde oyların yüzde 3,74’ünü kazandı. İki IYSSE temsilcisi öğrenci meclisine seçildi.

IYSSE: Humboldt Üniversitesi’ndeki Karl Marx etkinliğine 150 kişi katıldı

Toplumsal Eşitlik İçin Uluslararası Gençlik ve Öğrenciler, 26 Ocak 2018

Toplumsal Eşitlik İçin Uluslararası Gençlik ve Öğrenciler’in, Berlin Humboldt Üniversitesi’nde öğrenci meclisi seçimleri kampanyasını desteklemek üzere düzenlendiği toplantıya yaklaşık 150 kişi katıldı.

New in Russian

Эта неделя в русской революции
25–31 декабря 1917: Советское правительство национализирует банки

20 января 2018 г.

Завершается 1917 год, а положение русской революции крайне нестабильно. Новому Советскому правительству со всех сторон угрожают враждебные армии, голод, анархия и контрреволюционные интриги. Между тем бушует империалистическая война, а Октябрьское восстание мобилизует революционную борьбу во всем мире.

New in Norwegian

For en internasjonal koalisjon til kamp mot Internett-sensur
Et åpent brev fra World Socialist Web Sites internasjonale redaksjonsråd til sosialistiske, antikrig, vestre-orienterte og progressive nettsteder, organisasjoner og aktivister

23 January 2018

Et åpent brev fra World Socialist Web Sites internasjonale redaksjonsråd til sosialistiske, antikrig, vestre-orienterte og progressive nettsteder, organisasjoner og aktivister

Verdens økonomiske forum (WEF) avholdes i Davos under skyggen av krise og krig

Bill Van Auken, 24 January 2018

Samlingen av verdens oligarker finner sted midt under sammenbruddet av etterkrigstidens kapitalistiske orden og utbrudd av stor maktkonflikt.

Voksende sosial misnøye under åpningen av Russlands presidentvalg-kampanje

Clara Weiss, 23 January 2018

En nylig kommentar i gazeta.ru advarte om at den typen arbeiderklasse-uro som rystet Iran også lett kan oppstå i Russland.

«Brudd, Frykt og Fallitt:» Verdens styringseliter stirrer ned i avgrunnen

Bill Van Auken, 18 January 2018

Den globale risikorapporten, som er forhåndspublisert til World Economic Forum i Davos viser at det i herskende kretser er voksende angst for trusselen om krig og sosial revolusjon.

Other Languages


The “fractured world”: Plutocrats convene in Davos amid war and great-power conflict

27 January 2018

The 47th annual World Economic Forum was dominated by apprehension over every aspect of global politics and economics, from the possibility of a 2008-style financial collapse to the threat of a new world war.

Earlier Perspectives »

Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship

New York Times cashes in on Facebook’s news censorship

By Will Morrow, 27 January 2018

Establishment news organizations such as the Times, publicly discredited by their role as state propaganda outlets for decades, see censorship as a means to regain lost readers.

For an international coalition to fight Internet censorship
An open letter from the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site to socialist, anti-war, left-wing and progressive websites, organizations and activists

23 January 2018

Full transcript: “Organizing Resistance to Internet Censorship”

By the World Socialist Web Site, 25 January 2018

More on censorship » »

Featured Commentary

The bicentenary of Marx’s birth, socialism and the resurgence of the international class struggle

3 January 2018

The year 2018—the bicentenary of Marx’s birth—will be characterized, above all, by an immense intensification of social tensions and an escalation of class conflict around the world.

Final reflections on the centennial year of the October Revolution

By David North, 30 December 2017


A socialist strategy is needed to defend immigrants!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 27 January 2018

The ongoing negotiations in Washington over DACA and TPS prove that the defense of immigrants requires a break with the Democrats and a turn to the working class.

In budget talks, Senate Democrats abandon immigrant Dreamers threatened with deportation

Political lessons from the sham US government shutdown

More on the attacks on immigrants »

The UAW corruption scandal: The case for workers’ committees

By Joseph Kishore, 26 January 2018

Will there be a US nuclear sneak attack on North Korea?

By Bill Van Auken, 26 January 2018

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra terminates employment of Charles Dutoit over allegations of sexual misconduct

For new elections and a socialist alternative to Germany’s grand coalition

Another American mass shooting, this time in western Kentucky

Workers Struggles

Chinese workers protest over “black lung” disease; Indian auto-parts workers demonstrate
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

27 January 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Lockout of Quebec aluminium workers at ABI plant enters third week

By Laurent Lafrance, 26 January 2018

Bodies of five workers recovered at site of Oklahoma gas well blast

By Jerry White, 24 January 2018

Strike by Northern Illinois Bay Valley Foods workers enters ninth week

By George Gallanis, 25 January 2018

Indian factory fire kills 17 workers

By W. A. Sunil, 24 January 2018

Arts Review

70 years since the release of John Huston’s The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

By Joanne Laurier, 26 January 2018

B. Traven, the author of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

By David Walsh, 26 January 2018

The author of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre was the left-wing writer known as B. Traven. Considerable mystery surrounds Traven, some of it sustained by the writer himself during his lifetime.

The 2018 Academy Award Nominations: A few worthy films, and others to fill quotas

Socialist Equality Party

SEP forum rallies opposition against racist “African gangs” campaign in Australia

By our reporters, 26 January 2018

The lively meeting in Melbourne was attended by workers and young people of African origin.

25 years ago: US corporations slash 110,000 jobs

Major US corporations eliminated 110,000 jobs this week in 1993—the first year of Bill Clinton’s presidency.

More »

50 years ago: US spy ship seized in North Korean waters

On January 23, 1968, an American spy ship, the USS Pueblo, was seized in or near North Korean waters.

More »

75 years ago: Imperialist horse-trading at Casablanca

On January 24, 1943, British, French and American leaders concluded a major summit in North Africa, at Casablanca, Morocco.

More »


100 years ago: Wartime strikes in Germany, Austria; insurrection in Finland

On January 24, 1918, in the midst of World War I, strikes in Berlin by thousands of workers shut down the Daimler, Boersig Ludwig and General Electric works.

More »


Explore the complexities and beauty of Earth’s oceans in Blue Planet II

By Bryan Dyne, 22 January 2018

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

“There’s a pattern here that NYU doesn’t want to acknowledge”
Interview with Mohamad Bazzi, NYU professor barred from the UAE

By Josh Varlin, 23 January 2018

IYSSE secures re-election to student parliament at Berlin’s Humboldt University

By the IYSSE at Humboldt University, 20 January 2018

One hundred and fifty attend IYSSE event at Humboldt University on Karl Marx bicentenary

Mehring Books

The Heritage We Defend and other important books by David North and the ICFI published in Turkish

By Halil Celik, 20 January 2018

In a country where the working class and socialist movement in general has been dominated by Stalinism, Maoism and petty-bourgeois nationalist tendencies for decades, these books are of prime importance in developing socialist consciousness among workers and youth.

New publication by Mehring Books (UK)
The falsification of David King’s work

12 January 2018

Mehring Books has produced a new pamphlet to memorialise David King, who devoted his extraordinary artistic gifts to salvaging the historical truth of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its aftermath.

NHS Fightback

Virgin Care and other private companies seize another £3.1 billion of NHS contracts

By Ajanta Silva, 15 January 2018

Puerto Rico

“Capitalism puts a price tag on everything, including lives”

Death and destruction in Puerto Rico

On-the-spot interviews from Caguas, Puerto Rico, where more than 100 days after Hurricane Maria residents lack access to electricity and water, leading to the death of a dialysis patient.

Puerto Rico, more than 100 days after Hurricane Maria: The class issues

The deadly impact of Hurricane María extends to US hospitals
Power outages set off IV bag shortages

More on Puerto Rico »

New in Arabic

WSWS publishes Arabic translation of “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.”

We are publishing here, in one part, the Arabic translation of the two-part article series, “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.” This was first published on the World Socialist Web Site on November 7/8, 2017.

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon begins operations in Australia

By Patrick Kelly, 28 December 2017

Amazon worker dies after vomiting blood at Sacramento, California fulfillment center

By Kristina Betinis, 23 December 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook