- published: 12 Jan 2016
- views: 307344
A lemon tart is a dessert dish, a variety of tart. It has a pastry shell with a lemon flavoured filling.
In the UK, Lemon Tart (also called Tarte au citron) consists of a pastry case (often made in a fluted tart tin) containing a baked lemon custard (usually composed of eggs, sugar, lemon juice and cream). Usually recipes include blind-baking before adding the custard. Sometimes the tart is dusted with icing sugar prior to serving.
Alternatively, the lemon filling can be cooked in a saucepan and then added to the baked pastry case.
The lemon (Citrus × limon) is a species of small evergreen tree native to Asia.
The tree's ellipsoidal yellow fruit is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes throughout the world, primarily for its juice, which has both culinary and cleaning uses. The pulp and rind (zest) are also used in cooking and baking. The juice of the lemon is about 5% to 6% citric acid, which gives a sour taste. The distinctive sour taste of lemon juice makes it a key ingredient in drinks and foods such as lemonade and lemon meringue pie.
The origin of the lemon is unknown, though lemons are thought to have first grown in Assam (a region in northeast India), northern Burma or China. A study of the genetic origin of the lemon reported it to be hybrid between bitter orange (sour orange) and citron.
Lemons entered Europe near southern Italy no later than the first century AD, during the time of Ancient Rome. However, they were not widely cultivated. They were later introduced to Persia and then to Iraq and Egypt around 700 AD. The lemon was first recorded in literature in a 10th-century Arabic treatise on farming, and was also used as an ornamental plant in early Islamic gardens. It was distributed widely throughout the Arab world and the Mediterranean region between 1000 and 1150.
A tart is a baked dish consisting of a filling over a pastry base with an open top not covered with pastry. The pastry is usually shortcrust pastry; the filling may be sweet or savoury, though modern tarts are usually fruit-based, sometimes with custard. Tartlet refers to a miniature tart; an example would be egg tarts. Examples of tarts include jam tarts, which may be different colours depending on the flavour of the jam used to fill them, and the Bakewell tart.
The categories of 'tart', 'flan', 'quiche' and 'pie' overlap, with no sharp distinctions. The French word tarte can be translated to mean either pie or tart, as both are mainly the same with the exception of a pie usually covering the filling in pastry, while flans and tarts leave it open. Tarts are also typically free-standing with firm pastry, thick filling, and perpendicular sides while pies may have softer pastry, looser filling, and sloped sides, necessitating service from the pie plate. The Italian crostata, dating to at least the mid-15th century, has been described as a "rustic free-form version of an open fruit tart".
Classic Lemon Tart Recipe - SORTED
French-Style Lemon Tart (Tarte au Citron)
My Dad's Lemon Tart - Topless Baker
Best Lemon Tart Recipe
How to Make a Lemon Tart!
How to make lemon tart the french way with Julien from Saveurs in Dartmouth uk.
How To Make Lemon Tart | Lemon Tart Recipe | Quick & Easy British Dessert Recipe | Neelam Bajwa
Lemon Meringue Pie – Bruno Albouze – THE REAL DEAL
《不萊嗯的烘培廚房》法式經典檸檬塔 | French Style Lemon Tart
Lemon Tart Recipe Demonstration - Joyofbaking.com
A stunning dessert is one that gets a wow... and this is so clean, so simple, so perfect that it always pleases! The balance of sweetness with tangy lemon filling and the rich crisp buttery base is the reason this dish is a winner! Get the full recipe here: http://sortedfood.com/lemontart Other great lemon recipes: https://sortedfood.com/playlist/34174 HUNGRY FOR MORE? Share your own recipes and photos of your cooking triumphs (and disasters) at http://sortedfood.com or get the app here: http://bit.ly/SortedYT
Here is what you'll need! French-Style Lemon Tart Serves 4-6 INGREDIENTS Lemon Curd: 4 egg yolks 4 eggs 150 grams sugar 200 milliliters lemon juice Zest of 2 lemons 170 grams butter 1 pre-baked tart shell PREPARATION 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/350°F 2. Prepare the lemon curd by whisking the egg yolks, eggs, sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest over a bain marie (a large bowl placed over a pan of simmering hot water). 3. Once combined, mix in the butter and whisk the mixture for about 10 minutes, until thick. 4. Pour into a pre-baked tart shell. 5. Bake for 6 minutes. 6. Whilst the tart is baking, prepare the raspberry chantilly by whipping the raspberries, sugar, vanilla extract and cream together. 7. Leave the tart to cool before dusting with icing sugar. 8. Serve with the raspberr...
If you've followed me for a while, you will know lemon tart is my all time favourite dessert. This was the first recipe I ever learned from my dad and it really inspired me to start baking - so I wanted to share it with you for you to try too! For this lemon tart you will need: 125g Plain Flour 50g Icing Sugar 50g Cold Unsalted Butter Pinch Salt 1 Medium Egg 4 Eggs 112g Caster Sugar 1 1/2 Lemons 130ml Double Cream Follow me on Instagram for the latest baking pictures | https://www.instagram.com/toplessbaker Check me out on Twitter to catch up with what's happening | https://twitter.com/toplessbaker Like me on Facebook for my live cooking shows | https://www.facebook.com/ToplessBaker
Simple and delicious Lemon Tart Recipe / Lemon Pie Recipe . My Social Media Links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emmasgoodies Twitter: https://twitter.com/emfontanella Instagram: http://instagram.com/emmafontanella ♥ - P.O. Box info - Emma Fontanella Via di Tor Vergata, 257 00133 Roma Italia Email: emma@nexogame.com Write my email on the mailing address pls :D Lemon Tart ( ingredients for the crust) in grams: - 250 gr All Purpose Flour - 40 gr Egg Yolks - 80 gr Powdered Sugar - 150 gr very cold Butter - Zest of 1 Lemon - 1/4 tsp Salt Lemon Tart Filling: - Lemon Curd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6PJECuBNvY&t;=58s - 3 big dollops of Whipped Cream _________________________ Lemon Tart ( ingredients for the crust) in cups: - 2 cups Flour - 2 Egg Yolks - 2/3 cup Powdered Sug...
This lemon tart is perfect to serve as dessert for a springtime brunch! It's both tangy and sweet, and one of my favorite desserts I've learned how to make at The International Culinary Center! Check out the recipe and how-to below... Ingredients: Tart Dough: 1. 5 1/4 oz butter, softened 2. 3 oz confectioner's sugar 3. pinch of salt 4. 2 egg yolks 5. 9 oz cake flour, sifted 6. 1 to 2 T ice water, if needed Tart Filling: 1. 5 oz lemon juice 2. 5 eggs 3. 7 oz sugar 4. 5 oz heavy cream Procedure: 1. In a bowl cream butter sugar and salt until light and fluffy. 2. Add egg yolk one at a time to incorporate. 3. Add cake flour all at once and mix slowly to just combine. 4. If the dough is too dry add a bit of ice water and wrap the dough well and refrigerate. 5. Preheat oven to 350 and on a ...
How to make lemon tart the french way with Julien from Saveurs in Dartmouth uk. Lemon Tart, 250 g Butter, 500 g Sugar, 300 g Lemon juice, 4 Eggs, 2 Lemon zest. For more videos check my website! http://videotechmedia.co.uk Tel Mobile 07956141090 Home 01803834216
Learn How To Make Lemon Tart Recipe, aQuick & Easy British Dessert Recipe from Chef Neelam Bajwa only on Get Curried. Ingredients:- For Pastry:- 225g plain flour 125g chilled butter 80g icing sugar 2 egg yolks 1tbsp iced water For Filling:- 250 ml single cream 2 eggs 3 egg yolks 110g castor sugar 125ml lemon juice Method:- Pasrty:- In a blender add flour, butter, egg yolks, icing sugar and blend it well. Take out the contents on a kitchen counter and roll out the pastry with a rolling pin and place it in a tin mould. Place the tins in the refigerator for 30 minutes. Prick the pastries with a fork and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 10 minutes. Filling:- In a bowl take caster sugar, whole eggs, egg yolks and whisk with a hand beater. Then add cream, fresh lemon juice, vanilla es...
To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: www.brunoskitchen.net Like me on Facebook, Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest! Website http://www.brunoskitchen.net/home Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BrunosKitchen Twiter https://www.twitter.com/BrunoAlbouze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/brunoalbouze Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/brunoalbouze
不萊嗯(Brian)專注於甜點教學、特別是法式甜點(馬卡龍、檸檬塔、生巧克力塔..等) 檸檬塔應該是不萊嗯幾年前初學烘培時,一位甜點老師教學的第二堂課研習作品,當時學到的是需要在煮檸檬醬裡加上吉利丁片幫助凝固。那份配方及作法吃起來的口感與味道,就是普遍在台灣甜點店、麵包店裡買得到該有的樣子,雖然好吃但也不至於讓人驚豔。直到2014年初春第一次造訪了巴黎的LADUREE,除了點了她聞名全球的馬卡龍之外,還加點了她的法式檸檬塔,當我把檸檬內餡送進口中的那一瞬間才瞭解,原來這就是傳說中的法式檸檬塔呀!怎麼跟台灣版的差那麼的多! 在LADUREE吃過讓我驚豔的法式檸檬塔後、她入喉的口感就這麼一直停留在不萊嗯美好的味蕾記憶裡,回到Montreal後也就迫不急待地找出手邊食譜,試圖要做出那份記憶裡的美好的滋味,只是每一個新嘗試都以失望收場,就是無法重現那味蕾記憶庫裡的經典味道,直到幾個月後某天找到了法國烘培大師Pierre Hermé的出版食譜才瞭解,原來拿捏奶油及雞蛋使用的比例,才是影響口感的最終關鍵。而這份配方正是經過多次調整,最後成為店裡製作標準的不藏私完美比例,也是最接近我心目中LADUREE檸檬塔的口感,有機會你一定要試試。 完整配方與操作說明:http://www.briancuisine.com/?p=2147 法式檸檬塔製作常見問題彙總:http://www.briancuisine.com/?p=3594 [ 材料 ] 9吋甜塔皮(油酥塔皮):1份350g 黃檸檬(萊姆)汁:170g ( 約3~4顆檸檬) 白砂糖:220g 黃檸檬皮:3顆 全蛋:4顆(室溫) 無鹽奶油:270g(切成小丁狀、放置成室溫) [ Recipe ] Lemon juice:170g White sugar:220g Lemon zest:3 lemons Whole Eggs...
Recipe here: http://www.joyofbaking.com/LemonTart.html Stephanie Jaworski of Joyofbaking.com demonstrates how to make a Lemon Tart. This beautiful Lemon Tart consists of a buttery shortbread crust, a creamy smooth lemon filling made with fresh lemon juice, sugar, and cream cheese, all covered with lovely swirls of whipped cream. Link to the Shortbread Crust recipe: http://www.joyofbaking.com/ShortbreadCrustRecipe.html We welcome comments on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/joyofbaking
A stunning dessert is one that gets a wow... and this is so clean, so simple, so perfect that it always pleases! The balance of sweetness with tangy lemon filling and the rich crisp buttery base is the reason this dish is a winner! Get the full recipe here: http://sortedfood.com/lemontart Other great lemon recipes: https://sortedfood.com/playlist/34174 HUNGRY FOR MORE? Share your own recipes and photos of your cooking triumphs (and disasters) at http://sortedfood.com or get the app here: http://bit.ly/SortedYT
Here is what you'll need! French-Style Lemon Tart Serves 4-6 INGREDIENTS Lemon Curd: 4 egg yolks 4 eggs 150 grams sugar 200 milliliters lemon juice Zest of 2 lemons 170 grams butter 1 pre-baked tart shell PREPARATION 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/350°F 2. Prepare the lemon curd by whisking the egg yolks, eggs, sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest over a bain marie (a large bowl placed over a pan of simmering hot water). 3. Once combined, mix in the butter and whisk the mixture for about 10 minutes, until thick. 4. Pour into a pre-baked tart shell. 5. Bake for 6 minutes. 6. Whilst the tart is baking, prepare the raspberry chantilly by whipping the raspberries, sugar, vanilla extract and cream together. 7. Leave the tart to cool before dusting with icing sugar. 8. Serve with the raspberr...
If you've followed me for a while, you will know lemon tart is my all time favourite dessert. This was the first recipe I ever learned from my dad and it really inspired me to start baking - so I wanted to share it with you for you to try too! For this lemon tart you will need: 125g Plain Flour 50g Icing Sugar 50g Cold Unsalted Butter Pinch Salt 1 Medium Egg 4 Eggs 112g Caster Sugar 1 1/2 Lemons 130ml Double Cream Follow me on Instagram for the latest baking pictures | https://www.instagram.com/toplessbaker Check me out on Twitter to catch up with what's happening | https://twitter.com/toplessbaker Like me on Facebook for my live cooking shows | https://www.facebook.com/ToplessBaker
Simple and delicious Lemon Tart Recipe / Lemon Pie Recipe . My Social Media Links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emmasgoodies Twitter: https://twitter.com/emfontanella Instagram: http://instagram.com/emmafontanella ♥ - P.O. Box info - Emma Fontanella Via di Tor Vergata, 257 00133 Roma Italia Email: emma@nexogame.com Write my email on the mailing address pls :D Lemon Tart ( ingredients for the crust) in grams: - 250 gr All Purpose Flour - 40 gr Egg Yolks - 80 gr Powdered Sugar - 150 gr very cold Butter - Zest of 1 Lemon - 1/4 tsp Salt Lemon Tart Filling: - Lemon Curd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6PJECuBNvY&t;=58s - 3 big dollops of Whipped Cream _________________________ Lemon Tart ( ingredients for the crust) in cups: - 2 cups Flour - 2 Egg Yolks - 2/3 cup Powdered Sug...
This lemon tart is perfect to serve as dessert for a springtime brunch! It's both tangy and sweet, and one of my favorite desserts I've learned how to make at The International Culinary Center! Check out the recipe and how-to below... Ingredients: Tart Dough: 1. 5 1/4 oz butter, softened 2. 3 oz confectioner's sugar 3. pinch of salt 4. 2 egg yolks 5. 9 oz cake flour, sifted 6. 1 to 2 T ice water, if needed Tart Filling: 1. 5 oz lemon juice 2. 5 eggs 3. 7 oz sugar 4. 5 oz heavy cream Procedure: 1. In a bowl cream butter sugar and salt until light and fluffy. 2. Add egg yolk one at a time to incorporate. 3. Add cake flour all at once and mix slowly to just combine. 4. If the dough is too dry add a bit of ice water and wrap the dough well and refrigerate. 5. Preheat oven to 350 and on a ...
How to make lemon tart the french way with Julien from Saveurs in Dartmouth uk. Lemon Tart, 250 g Butter, 500 g Sugar, 300 g Lemon juice, 4 Eggs, 2 Lemon zest. For more videos check my website! http://videotechmedia.co.uk Tel Mobile 07956141090 Home 01803834216
Learn How To Make Lemon Tart Recipe, aQuick & Easy British Dessert Recipe from Chef Neelam Bajwa only on Get Curried. Ingredients:- For Pastry:- 225g plain flour 125g chilled butter 80g icing sugar 2 egg yolks 1tbsp iced water For Filling:- 250 ml single cream 2 eggs 3 egg yolks 110g castor sugar 125ml lemon juice Method:- Pasrty:- In a blender add flour, butter, egg yolks, icing sugar and blend it well. Take out the contents on a kitchen counter and roll out the pastry with a rolling pin and place it in a tin mould. Place the tins in the refigerator for 30 minutes. Prick the pastries with a fork and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 10 minutes. Filling:- In a bowl take caster sugar, whole eggs, egg yolks and whisk with a hand beater. Then add cream, fresh lemon juice, vanilla es...
To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: www.brunoskitchen.net Like me on Facebook, Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest! Website http://www.brunoskitchen.net/home Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BrunosKitchen Twiter https://www.twitter.com/BrunoAlbouze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/brunoalbouze Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/brunoalbouze
不萊嗯(Brian)專注於甜點教學、特別是法式甜點(馬卡龍、檸檬塔、生巧克力塔..等) 檸檬塔應該是不萊嗯幾年前初學烘培時,一位甜點老師教學的第二堂課研習作品,當時學到的是需要在煮檸檬醬裡加上吉利丁片幫助凝固。那份配方及作法吃起來的口感與味道,就是普遍在台灣甜點店、麵包店裡買得到該有的樣子,雖然好吃但也不至於讓人驚豔。直到2014年初春第一次造訪了巴黎的LADUREE,除了點了她聞名全球的馬卡龍之外,還加點了她的法式檸檬塔,當我把檸檬內餡送進口中的那一瞬間才瞭解,原來這就是傳說中的法式檸檬塔呀!怎麼跟台灣版的差那麼的多! 在LADUREE吃過讓我驚豔的法式檸檬塔後、她入喉的口感就這麼一直停留在不萊嗯美好的味蕾記憶裡,回到Montreal後也就迫不急待地找出手邊食譜,試圖要做出那份記憶裡的美好的滋味,只是每一個新嘗試都以失望收場,就是無法重現那味蕾記憶庫裡的經典味道,直到幾個月後某天找到了法國烘培大師Pierre Hermé的出版食譜才瞭解,原來拿捏奶油及雞蛋使用的比例,才是影響口感的最終關鍵。而這份配方正是經過多次調整,最後成為店裡製作標準的不藏私完美比例,也是最接近我心目中LADUREE檸檬塔的口感,有機會你一定要試試。 完整配方與操作說明:http://www.briancuisine.com/?p=2147 法式檸檬塔製作常見問題彙總:http://www.briancuisine.com/?p=3594 [ 材料 ] 9吋甜塔皮(油酥塔皮):1份350g 黃檸檬(萊姆)汁:170g ( 約3~4顆檸檬) 白砂糖:220g 黃檸檬皮:3顆 全蛋:4顆(室溫) 無鹽奶油:270g(切成小丁狀、放置成室溫) [ Recipe ] Lemon juice:170g White sugar:220g Lemon zest:3 lemons Whole Eggs...
Recipe here: http://www.joyofbaking.com/LemonTart.html Stephanie Jaworski of Joyofbaking.com demonstrates how to make a Lemon Tart. This beautiful Lemon Tart consists of a buttery shortbread crust, a creamy smooth lemon filling made with fresh lemon juice, sugar, and cream cheese, all covered with lovely swirls of whipped cream. Link to the Shortbread Crust recipe: http://www.joyofbaking.com/ShortbreadCrustRecipe.html We welcome comments on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/joyofbaking
Recipe here: http://www.joyofbaking.com/LemonMeringueTart.html Stephanie Jaworski of Joyofbaking.com demonstrates how to make a lemon meringue tart. Most would agree that there are few desserts this irresistible; that combination of a sweet and crisp almond pastry crust with a lemon filling that's wonderfully tart and tangy, finished off with a sweet meringue. New Recipes every Thursday before noon Eastern time. Join our Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/joyofbaking
Authentic, classic French tarte au citron recipe. Classic French lemon tart recipe. Please SUBSCRIBE: ► http://bit.ly/1ucapVH This is a lemon tart you will really enjoy making, and you'll enjoy eating even more ! I also top the lemon cake with a hand crafted chocolate decoration using Hershey's chocolate. ★★★ Video link at the end of this video for mobile users: ★★★ ★► How to make the sweet shortbread crust for this tart: ★► http://youtu.be/X7o4R5Wm_ys?hd=1 Comment faire tarte au citron. ▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★► Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BakeLikeAPro ★► Twitter: http://twitter.com/BakeLikeAPro ★► Instagram: http://instagram.com/bakelikeapro ★► Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/BakeLikeAPro ★►GOOGLE Plus: https://plus.google.com/+BakeLikeAPro ▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Please subscri...
Listed below are the recipes in this episode of Bake with Anna Olson: - Lemon curd - 0:51 - Tarte au citron - 4:44 - Lemon meringue pie - 11:49 - Lemon ripple ice cream - 19:03 Subscribe for more video recipes: http://goo.gl/MJV4af Anna Olson Books: Buy Back to Baking with Anna Olson Recipe Book on Amazon: http://amzn.to/21Cetiy Comprar Repostería con Anna: 200 recetas dulces para compartir y disfrutar: http://amzn.to/21CeGCw Buy Another Cup of Sugar with Anna Olson Recipe Book on Amazon: http://amzn.to/21CeFOK Buy In The Kitchen with Anna Recipe Book on Amazon: http://amzn.to/21CeNhc Buy Fresh with Anna Olson - Seasonally Inspired Recipes to Share with Family and Friends on Amazon: http://amzn.to/21CePFO Buy Anna and Michael Olson Cook at Home by Anna Olson on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2...
Recipe on ELR http://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/1250762/Lunch+Bitch%252C+Lemon+Tart Link to my mini mixer http://amzn.to/2oNX4r0 Link to my scales http://amzn.to/2nxwt1a Link to the label maker http://amzn.to/2nLUkem Link to calibration weight for scales http://amzn.to/2oNXeP4 Link to the VG that I use http://amzn.to/2nONt5u Link to PG that I use http://amzn.to/2nu1AtS Link to the 30ml bottles I use http://amzn.to/2nxwt1p Link to the Unicorn bottles I use http://amzn.to/2nOZWWV Link to large bottles for dispensing VG/PG http://amzn.to/2nON2bs Ejuice calculator http://amzn.to/2oO9EXf Cheap pipettes http://amzn.to/2n25MWc Dropbox recipe archive https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x0hcesy0sdozngp/AABEPuKcwmNozTi4MjBS1RhAa?dl=0 Dropbox premium recipe folder https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gu1okunr27sz6vy...
Recipe here: http://www.joyofbaking.com/PiesAndTarts/KeyLimeTarts.html Stephanie Jaworski of Joyofbaking.com demonstrates how to make Key Lime Tarts. A Key Lime Pie was first made in the Florida Keys, which is also where Key limes are grown. In this recipe we are making the pie in tart form. The tart is made with a crispy pastry crust that is filled with a creamy smooth lime flavored filling, and topped with lots of whipped cream. New Recipes every Thursday before noon Eastern time. Join our Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/joyofbaking
Recipe here: http://www.joyofbaking.com/PiesAndTarts/LemonMeringuePieRecipe.html Stephanie Jaworski of Joyofbaking.com demonstrates how to make a Lemon Meringue Pie. I grew up in a family of dessert eaters and this Lemon Meringue Pie was my Dad's favorite. It's a great tasting pie with that combination of a crust (you can choose either a pastry or a graham cracker crust), filled with a lemony cream filling, and finished off with a billowy sweet meringue. What I like too is that you don't need fancy ingredients to make this pie. Most ingredients you'll already have on hand. Things like butter, sugar, flour, eggs, and lemons. Requires a Pre Baked Pie Crust, recipe and video here: http://www.joyofbaking.com/PreBakedPieCrustRecipe.html We welcome questions on our Facebook Page: http://www.fa...
In diesem Video lasse ich Euch ein wenig an meinem Sommerurlaub auf Gran Canaria teilhaben. Ich zeige Euch, was ich an Dampfzeug im Urlaub dabei habe und stelle Euch auch noch zwei Liquids vor - Dinner Lady Lemon Tart Liquid und das High Voltage Electric Edition Green Liquid... Viel Spaß beim Video!!! Dieses Video ist ein von mir erstellter redaktioneller Beitrag in audiovisueller Form und gibt ausschließlich meine unabhängige und persönliche Meinung zu den vorgestellten Produkten wieder. Die vorgestellten und getesteten Produkte wurden von mir nachweislich gekauft oder sind eine Leihgabe von Freunden. Das Video hat keinen kommerziellen Zweck und dient nicht der Verkaufsförderung der gezeigten Produkte. Steamshots Shirts ➤ https://shop.spreadshirt.de/steamshots/ ▼▼▼Allgemeine Infos▼▼▼ ▬...
Heute möchte ich mit euch die Aromen von Big Mouth testen. Auf der Dampf-Speisekarte stehen: Baked Lemon Pie (Yummy), Skates (Classic) und Coconut, Raspberry & Banana (Frizzy). ▼▼▼▼▼▼ Gekauft bei: https://www.dampftbeidir.de/ ▼▼▼▼▼▼ ♥ Du möchtest mich und meinen Kanal supporten? → https://www.tipeeestream.com/dampfeuphorie/donation ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MEIN EQUIPMENT: Camcorder → http://amzn.to/2j0OUsV Mikrofon → http://amzn.to/2iDWVpM Mikrofon unterwegs → http://amzn.to/2jh0Rvw Stativ → http://amzn.to/2jgXNzv Softbox → http://amzn.to/2iDP2Rw Videobearbeitungsprogramm → http://amzn.to/2iyJO67 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ VAPESTUFF: Ladegerät → http://amzn.to/2iE1Hnb 18650er Akku → http://amzn.to/2jBT4Im Watte → http://amzn.to/2iE0xZ4 Wickel-Komplettset → http://amzn.to/...