

Mute Magazine Print Archive

Mute magazine covers

Mute magazine ISSN 1356-7748 | Sales information PDF http://linkme2.net/w7
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The Mute magazine print archive has its first release for sale as an original, limited edition set of all fifty-one issues of the print versions of the magazine, covering twenty years of publishing from 1994 to 2014.

Review of Networking the Unseen, Furtherfield Gallery, June 17-August 14, 2016

War by Any Means

Rose-Anne Gush examines Sidsel Meineche Hansen’s Second Sex War through the lens of the female body and its concealed labour power in the high-tech gaming and porn spectacle


Reproducing Autonomy

Reproducing Autonomy cover

Reproducing Autonomy: Work, Money, Crisis and Contemporary Art

By Kerstin Stakemeier & Marina Vishmidt

ISBN paperback: 978-1-906496-99-9

eBook: 978-1-906496-71-5

Mute Books, May 2016

Price paperback £14 15€ $18 - available from your local bookstore via our distributor Anagram or via online retailers.


No Stars, no Solos – just Sound, Motion, and Energy: an Interview with John Gruntfest


Given the ephemeral nature of improvised music, it is easily forgotten after the performance. Despite that, the work of saxophonist, poet, and musical event organiser, John Gruntfest, is almost criminally overlooked. Stretching over four decades, Gruntfest has played saxophone in a huge number of ensembles, as well as collaborating with political art and theatre groups such as the Pageant Players, the Motherfuckers, Bread and Puppet Theatre and the Living Theatre.

After the Canon? An Interview with Hal Foster

Casting off from his recent book Bad News Days, art critic and October magazine co-editor Hal Foster talks to John Douglas Millar about what became of art’s critical turn, the conversion of art and its world into culture industry and, despite it all, the continuing importance of the aesthetic


Art’s Economic Exceptionalism

Whilst left critiques habitually relate art to capitalist commodification, few do this on strictly economic grounds, let alone cogently. Josefine Wikström argues that finally we do have a book that fulfills exactly this task


Capital and Community: On Melanie Gilligan’s Trilogy

In his assessment of the latest film in Melanie Gilligan’s trilogy on crisis, capital and community Jasper Bernes emphasises the necessity and difficulty of distinguishing between the community of capital – its expansive entrainment of the senses – and the unrealised project of a resistant human community


In and Out of Art and Work: On the W.A.G.E. Certificate

In 2014 W.A.G.E. (Working Artists and the Greater Economy) launched a campaign of certification which ‘publicly recognizes non-profit arts organizations [...] paying artist fees that meet a minimum payment standard’. Josefine Wikström assesses the campaign’s aims within art’s complex relation to the capitalist division of labour


You Must Make Your Death Public: a collection of texts and media on the work of Chris Kraus

You Must Make Your Death Public: a collection of texts and media on the work of Chris Kraus

You Must Make Your Death Public: a collection of texts and media on the work of Chris Kraus

Edited by Mira Mattar

Buy on Amazon: UK £10 

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