The world transformed or staying the same? An open letter to Plan C

The world transformed or staying the same? An open letter to Plan C

This is a reply to the three texts World Transformed/the Labour Party and the Libertarian Left,/Dreams, Memes, Labour and Us and Corbynism from (the great)…

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Organise! magazine issue 89 Winter 2017

Organise! magazine issue 89 Winter 2017

Organise! magazine issue 89 Winter 2017 “WE WANT A REVOLUTION … NOW!” was out in print at the London Anarchist Bookfair in October. Print copies…

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Battle for the Soul of Pride

Battle for the Soul of Pride

On the struggle to ensure Pride remains a place to celebrate and remember our struggles – and doesn’t become a bland marketing opportunity.

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UK McDonalds Workers on Strike - McStrike September 2017

McDonalds Workers Not Loving It #McStrike September 2017

McDonalds workers at branches in Cambridge and Crayford in S.E. London are set to strike on Monday Sept 4th 2017. This will be the first…

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Resistance 162 cover - paper of the Anarchist Federation (UK)

Mourn the Dead and Fight Like Hell for the Living! – Resistance Bulletin #162

The Autumn 2017 16 page issue of our free paper Resistance is out in print and available for free download.

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