Resistance Bulletin

The Resistance bulletin is our regular free paper. It covers a range of topical news & events from an anarchist perspective, and highlights the widespread acts of resistance to the state and capitalism that that go unreported in the mainstream press. If you would like copies to distribute then get in touch here and we will arrange to send some.


Mourn the Dead and Fight Like Hell for the Living! – Resistance Bulletin #162


The Autumn 2017 16 page issue of our free paper Resistance is out in print and available for free download.

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Still Angry not Apathetic – Resistance Bulletin #159


cover of Resistance Bulletin 159 Autumn 2015 STILL ANGRY NOT APATHETIC POST-ELECTION SPECIAL ISSUEPOST-ELECTION SPECIAL ISSUE: This issue contains reports of people fighting along side refugees and asylum seekers, winning against their dodgy landlords, and acting in solidarity with people sleeping rough. All this is being done without the wet blanket that is Jeremy Corbyn or the hope-filled lies of political parties.

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Angry Not Apathetic – Resistance bulletin #158


cover of Resistance Bulletin 158 Spring 2015 ANGRY NOT APATHETIC ELECTION SPECIAL ISSUEGENERAL ELECTION SPECIAL ISSUE: What anarchists do instead of voting, Labour and the Unions, Lib-dems: a student’s view, Green Party “Tories on Bikes”, Syriza in Greece, Suffragettes, Russell Brand.

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