Support anarchist and antifa prisoners in St. Petersburg and Penza!

Support anarchist and antifa prisoners in St. Petersburg and Penza!

Anarchists and antifascist activists have been arrested and imprisoned in Russia with extreme violence by police and FSB (federal security forces) in recent days, which…

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Transnational Anarchists in Solidarity with Mapuche People – week of protest called on 29th of January to 4th of February 2018

Transnational Anarchists in Solidarity with Mapuche People – week of protest called on 29th of January to 4th of February 2018

The Anarchist Federation’s sister organisation in Argentina, the Federación Libertaria Argentina (FLA-IFA) is calling for protests against the Argentinian government and the international clothing company Benetton during the week of 29th of January to 4th of February 2018.

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2018 - In with the new

2018 – In with the new

A year ago we blogged the view that “2016 was very demoralising, and 2017 is looking worse. “ It certainly feels that way. We’ve witnessed…

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Trans Pride Flag, an increasingly common sight at Queer, Anarchist and Feminist spaces

Statement following London Anarchist Bookfair of October 2017

The following statement was originally posted on the Anarchist Federation Facebook page on 20/11/2017 (Transgender Day of Rememberance). A earlier statement was posted on…

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The world transformed or staying the same? An open letter to Plan C

The world transformed or staying the same? An open letter to Plan C

This is a reply to the three texts World Transformed/the Labour Party and the Libertarian Left,/Dreams, Memes, Labour and Us and Corbynism from (the great)…

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Organise! magazine issue 89 Winter 2017

Organise! magazine issue 89 Winter 2017

Organise! magazine issue 89 Winter 2017 “WE WANT A REVOLUTION … NOW!” was out in print at the London Anarchist Bookfair in October. Print copies…

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Meeting on Brexit in Loughborough with AF speaker

Meeting on Brexit in Loughborough with AF speaker

An anarchist view on Brexit Meeting Hosted by The Friday Room with AF speaker to lead-off the discussion 7.30pm on Friday 3rd November at Unity…

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Forthcoming Anarchist Federation Meetings

Forthcoming Anarchist Federation Meetings

This coming Saturday October 28th the Anarchist Federation will be running three meetings at the London Anarchist Bookfair 10am to 7pm. Venue: Park View School,…

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