Zero Anthropology


Maximilian Forte, Professor, Political Anthropology—focus: neoliberalism, globalization, imperialism, nationalism, democracy. Author of Slouching Towards Sirte.
Joined December 2008

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  1. 4 hours ago

    Awaiting news that consumption of the kipfel / croissant / cornetto will be deemed an Islamophobic act:

  2. 5 hours ago

    Their government wants me to stay away. A judge in Hawaii says no, go ahead and enter. And I am going to feel safe once on their territory?

  3. In reply to
    5 hours ago

    Changing ["terrorist"] to [attacker] doesn't mean acknowledges 's criticism. In fact it's doubling down.

  4. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    Disgusting. CNN puts terrorist in quotation marks as if a suicide bomber who blows himself up among civilians isn't in fact a terrorist.

  5. 6 hours ago

    Senators demand State Dept. investigate US intervention in other nations' politics via George Soros and USAID:

  6. 11 hours ago

    Liberal technocrats cannot manage a snowstorm in Montreal, but pretend they will lead the world in free-trade and open borders.

  7. 12 hours ago

    A real pleasure to listen to 's Carol Off getting schooled on immigration by Wim Kortenoeven

  8. 12 hours ago

    Even EU leaders are getting tired of the gratuitous "Nazi" and "fascist" accusations?

  9. 12 hours ago

    Good example of Islamophobic anti-Islamophobia: change now, Europe, or risk becoming a fundamentalist Islamized continent later.

  10. Mar 8

    When you cast Nazis as victims as did about her grandfather + support successors in're a Nazi apologist.

  11. Retweeted
    Mar 8

    Dear , can you please define "full democracy” as stated in your index? Does this qualify?

  12. Mar 8

    Better to stoke anti-Russian xenophobia than to simply acknowledge facts. That's 's contribution as Canada's foreign minister.

  13. Mar 8
  14. Mar 8

    I am loving this: same that virtue signals about Donald Trump, is led by anti-Russian xenophobia & Nazi apologists

  15. Mar 8
  16. Mar 7

    Funny how decides that (a) it's racial discrimination and (b) racial discrimination is because of Trump.

  17. Mar 7

    The giant is told that it's under the ant's "microscope". No , the word you're looking for is "telescope":

  18. Retweeted
    Mar 7

    In light of wikileaks release this seems kind of pathetic now.

  19. Zero Anthropology followed , , and 3 others
  20. Mar 7

    If you're already a woman then is going to be a really strange challenge.

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