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244 Living Liberally chapters in 45 states including DC, and around the world
[And remember: as you drink liberally, always drink responsibly.]

Newest chapters:

Drinking Liberally Shot of Truth

Did Someone Say S***hole?

Trump rejects a bipartisan deal,
choosing racial insults instead,
then twists & turns with every tweet
as we tumble toward a shutdown.

Republican leadership refuses a vote
on the popular bipartisan Dream bill,
can't find children's healthcare,
and is proving it just can't govern.

The GOP may shut down the government
to support Trump's racist agenda,
punishing millions of federal workers
and all of us who rely on federal programs.

Closed parks and museums.
Delayed checks. Slashed services.
Sounds like the kind of s***hole
Trump was describing, and now,
a Trump Shutdown would bring it home.

It's the shutdown showdown s***show
—grab a drink and join the ride.

Share your thoughts & a drink
as we laugh, learn, toast, and roast
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

Oh, My! Oh, No! O-prah!

Revelations in "Fire and Fury,"
Bannon ousted by Breitbart,
Trump's "stable genius" tweets
& zig-zagging on the Dream Act
may make you say "Oh, my!"

200,000 Salvadorans expelled,
Trump's nuclear threats,
Sessions attack on marijuana,
may make you say, "Oh, no!"

Or looking for a ray of hope,
wanting a leader with appeal
across race, class, age, gender,
may make you say, "Oprah!"

The weeks get weirder,
Washington gets wilder,
the realm of possibility gets wider,
many of us get wearier,
and we're left full of worry,
and, with Oprah, a bit of wonder as well.

Oh, my. Oh, no. O-prah!
Oh goodness...what a week.

You deserve a drink! And a discussion!
With political pals and progressive pints
at your local, progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you

New Year. Same Crazy.

Trump and Kim Jong-un wage a war over
who has a bigger button & smaller brain,
and wage it through state propaganda
and nuclear threats on Twitter.

Breitbart fans see mommy & daddy fight
as Trump & Bannon torch each other
in a very entertaining sideshow,
either distracting us from Trump's warmongering
or which Trump will warmonger to distract us from.

The GOP turns up heat on Mueller,
Freedom Caucus turns on Sessions,
Sessions turns against legalized pot,
the fraudulent voter fraud committee gives up,
& Trump turns on South Korea to boot.

And we're 2 weeks from a shutdown,
with no agreement on spending,
no progress on Dream or CHIP,
no meaningful relief for Puerto Rico.

Plus Alabama now has a Democratic Senator.

If you thought 2017 was unbelievable
... welcome to 2018.
New year. Same crazy. Only more so.

Join progressive pals for a political pint
as we toast & make the most of 2018
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you

Dickens Couldn't Make This Up

The GOP passes an unpopular bill
that rewards their big donors
enriches senators & Trump himself,
& will let them claim there's no money left
for Medicare, Medicaid & Food Stamps.

The GOP races to get home for holidays
without funding CHIP for 9 million children,
passing Dream for 800,000 Dreamers,
providing relief for 1 million Americans
still without power in Puerto Rico.

Amidst resignations on the right and left,
& investigations creeping through DC,
the colluder-and-abuser-in-chief
gloats about what a good job he's doing.

Scrooge pales in comparison --
and at least he reformed by Christmas.
What's happening in Washington,
Dickens himself couldn't make up.

But even in the darkest night of the year,
Resistance shines bright across the country
& the beauty of the longest night,
is that it only gets lighter from here.

Raise a glass against the dark,
with levity, light, laughter & liberal libations
at your local progressive social club.

Drinking Liberally
Find - or start - a chapter near you.

A Snowball's Chance in Alabama

They said it couldn't be done,
but a civil rights champion,
buoyed by huge Black voter turnout
just narrowed the Senate gap
by winning in deep red Alabama.

The GOP's tippy-top priority—
to cut taxes for corporations and the 1%—
should be sailing through Congress.
Yet each version's less popular than the last
and there's a chance to beat this tax scam.

Women who have made credible accusations
of Trump's sexual assault and harassment
had been sidelined by bully Trump—
and now 70% of Americans believe
these allegations deserve an investigation.

As Trump's unpopularity soars,
as Mueller's investigation circles,
as Trump's admin & party are torn apart
by infighting, retirements, and indictments,
suddenly anything could be possible:
from Dream to a 2018 wave to impeachment.

Our dreams used to have
a snowball's chance in Hell.
Now let's say we have
a snowball's chance in Alabama ...
& reserve the space in Hell for others.

The winter is dark, but it's a season of light,
so warm up with hot conversation
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

Oh, Holy Fright

The terrifying tax bill churns forward,
Dreamers face fearful uncertainty,
and the government could shutdown tomorrow.

While Franken & Conyers step down,
a sexual predator remains in the White House,
and a right-wing extremist, accused pedophile
may very well be heading to the Senate.

Amidst global fissures & provocations,
Trump decides now is the critical moment
to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel's capital,
heightening tensions in an unstable region.

There's nothing holy about this holiday season,
other than "holy s**t" as a response to the news.

We listen for carols like "Holy Night,"
but right now feeling "Oh, Holy Fright."

Find - or start - a chapter near you

Shake Ups and Shake Downs

McConnell shakes the Senate down
to rush through a vote on a bill
that would attack the middle-class,
attack health care, benefit corporations
& nobody has had the chance to read yet.

Trump shakes up his team again
with leaks of changing Secretary of State,
and even more shaken by news
that Flynn might cooperate with Mueller.

Matt Lauer. Russell Simmons.
Garrison Keillor. John Conyers.
As #MeToo continues to spread,
culture and corporations shake
... will government be next?

From a tax scam that'd be an earthquake
to give billionaires a tax break
to cultural moments that cause a double-take,
it's a week of shake-ups and shake-downs
that leave us all shaken, not stirred.

Your thirst you'll slate & talk the stakes
with like-minded, left-leaning liberals
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

Not Your Typical Thanksgiving Meal

The Trump team's menu of actions this week
has put more than 50,000 Haitians at risk,
considered importation of trophy elephant parts
and offered a side of killing Net Neutrality.

GOP is serving a whopping corporate giveaway,
seasoned with ANWR drilling,
& unraveling the ACA for dessert,
putting it all on the middle class's tab.

And while there are plenty of turkeys—
Franken & Conyers, Charlie Rose & Lasseter
--Roy Moore's still strutting in a close race
& Republicans save him a seat at the table.

From Trump's America to the #MeToo eruption,
this isn't your typical Thanksgiving meal.

But we can still be thankful
for the recent election results,
for women bravely speaking up,
for the ferocity of the Resistance
& for Americans of goodwill across the country
working to include everyone at our common feast.

Be grateful more than hateful,
share thanks, thoughts, drinks & laughs
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

Gotta Admit: The GOP Won't Quit

Trumpcare was defeated again & again,
yet now the GOP Senate tax bill
would take health care from 13 million
by taking aim at the ACA one more time.

Roy Moore's been kicked off the bench twice
and has come back both times.
Following accusations & calls to drop out,
he's still all-in for the Alabama senate race.

The House GOP is poised to pass
a devastating corporate tax giveaway
overcoming facts, deficits, cuts,
and massive popular opposition
to get their top priority done.

Attacking health care to corporate tax cuts,
you gotta admit: the GOP just won't quit.

That's why they have to be fired —
by the energized American voters.

So much to talk about, gawk about,
think about & drink about
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

Virginia is for Lovers

The Republicans ran on Trump’s playbook
of race-baiting, xenophobia, division.
And had their clocks cleaned across Virginia
by a diverse delegate slate of dynamic Dems.

The first transgender state legislator in the U.S.
A Black Lieutenant Governor. A Democratic Socialist.
A woman sparked by a rep’s attack on the Women’s March.
A victim of gun violence taking down the NRA.

A Liberian refugee elected Mayor in Montana.
The twin cities elect St. Paul’s first Black Mayor
& two transgender City Council members in Minneapolis.

Trump blames the GOP for not embracing him.
The GOP freaks into panic mode on taxes
and some Republicans push for Dream.

In the end, Trump and the Republicans
ran campaigns on hate and division.
But in the end, voters rejected the haters
and proved: Virginia is for Lovers.

Share a lovely, lively, left-leaning toast
with like-minded liberals and libations
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.