- published: 16 Apr 2017
- views: 737460
Aral may refer to:
Liqui Moly GmbH is a German company specializing in oils, lubricants and additives.
Liqui Moly GmbH was founded in 1957 in Ulm on the river Danube. The patent for production of molybdenum disulfide formed the basis for the company. This additive based on liquified molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) was the company's first product and gave the company its name.
Liqui Moly's main product is motor oil with MoS2 but there are also other lubricants with MoS2 and the additive MoS2 itself to be added by the end user during oil changes. Molybdenum disulfide enhances the lubrication quality of the oil and offers emergency operating features under harsh conditions. It can be added to motor oils and to non-motor oils including gear oil, transmission oil or differentials oils.
A short film is any film not long enough to be considered a feature film. Although no consensus exists as to where that boundary is drawn, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as "an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits". The term featurette originally applied to a film longer than a short subject, but shorter than a standard feature film.
The increasingly rare term short subject means approximately the same thing. An industry term, it carries more of an assumption that the film is shown as part of a presentation along with a feature film. Short is an abbreviation for either term. Short films are often screened at local, national, or international film festivals and made by independent filmmakers for non profit, either with a low budget or no budget at all. They are usually funded by film grants, non profit organizations, sponsor, or personal funds. Short films are generally used by filmmakers to gain experience and/or prove their talent in order to gain funding for future films from private investors, entertainment companies, or film studios.
ARAAL (Bengali Short Film 2017) | Siam Ahmed | Urmila Srabanti Kor | Swaraj Deb
Vallage Na - Sonia Nusrat | Video Song | ARAAL (2017 Short Film) | Siam & Urmila | Ahmmed Humayun
Catherine Lara - Aral
Aral Ng Pag-ibig - Chestah , Still One , Lilcoli , Jkram (BlazinRoyaltyCRSP) (ChestahBeats)
Video: Dried-up Aral Sea springs back to life
Catherine lara ✿ aral
ZDFzoom - Das ARAL System
Aral Sea: Man-made environmental disaster - BBC News
Aral High Tronic 5W40 Jak skutecznie olej chroni silnik?
Full Documentary: "Aral. The lost sea" by Isabel Coixet | We Are Water Foundation
Aral Gölü Belgeseli
Aral Sea: The sea that dried up in 40 years - BBC News
Aral Ultimate Diesel - das Ultimative! Mein Fazit nach 20.000 KM
The Dried up Aral Sea Eco-Disaster
OMBRE SUL GIALLO: Aral Gabriele (prima puntata)
Renkli Sayfalar 210. Bölüm- Semra kaynana ve Ayşe Aral arasında büyük tartışma!
1918 a 1990 - O desastre do Mar de Aral
JP Performance - Zu Besuch bei Aral! | Ultimate 102 | Teil 2
Documentario - Il Lago d'Aral
Presenting the most awaited Bengali short film "ARAAL", starring SIAM & URMILA and directed by SWARAJ DEB. A Tiger Media Production & Raj Films Creation Short Film- ARAAL / আড়াল Story- Anondo Khaled Script- Maruful Anam Rangon Cast- Siam Ahmed, Urmila Srabonti Kor, Anondo Khaled & others Direction- Swaraj Deb Singer- Sonia Nusrat Background Music- Ahmmed humayun Dop- Ridoy Sarker Drone- Ripon Edit- Ismail Hossain Make Over- Jony Miah Voice Over- Rohit Shadhu Khan Logo- Ismail Hossain GFX- Sajjadul Islam Sayeem Still Photography- Tanvir Arif Make Over- Jony Miah Camera Crew- Nayem, Saiful & Rizu Light Gaffer- Topu Shaha Light Crew- Hamid, Zoha, Atik Production Manager - Sumon Media Partner- Dhallywood24.net Courtesy- Zahid Hasan Abhi, Anup Kumar Biswas, Owen Robert Robin, Miraz Ahmed Chie...
Presenting “VALLAGE NA” most romantic song from the upcoming short film “ARAAL“ in the beautiful voice of Sonia Nusrat, tuned & written by Swaraj Deb and composed by Ahmmed Humayun. Starring Siam Ahmed & Urmila Srabanti Kar. Song: Vallage Na Singer: Sonia Nusrat Music: Ahmmed Humayun Lyric & Tune: Swaraj Deb Set the song VALLAGE NA as Ring Back Tone (RBT) on your mobile ##Vallage Na - Nusrat Sonia GP : WT(space)6325446 & Send to 4000 Banglalink : down567407 & send to 2222 Airtel : CT(space)6325446 & Send to 3123 Robi : get(space)6325446 & Send to 8466 TeleTalk : TT(space)6325446 & Send to 5000 ##Bon Pahare - Sonia Nusrat GP : WT(space)6325485 & Send to 4000 Banglalink : down567408 & send to 2222 Airtel : CT(space)6325485 & Send to 3123 Robi : get(space)6325485 & Send to 8466 TeleTalk...
Lilcoli FB https://www.facebook.com/lilcoli.tugista?fref=ts Still One FB https://www.facebook.com/ace.regasa?fref=ts Chestah FB https://www.facebook.com/chestahchester.ferrer?fref=ts Jkram FB https://www.facebook.com/jkram.germina?fref=ts CRSP Page https://www.facebook.com/blazinroyalty
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://f24.my/youtubeEN FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 http://f24.my/YTliveEN Straddling the border between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, the Aral Sea was once the fourth-largest saline lake in the world, an inland sea of 66,000 square kilometres. But in 1950, the Soviets diverted the two rivers that fed it in order to irrigate fields and grow cotton. Little by little, the Aral Sea dried up, ruining thousands of livelihoods. Since the construction of a dam in 2005, the water is slowly beginning to rise, and with it residents' hopes. FRANCE 24 went to meet them. http://www.france24.com/en/taxonomy/emission/20373 Visit our website: http://www.france24.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://f24.my/youtubeEN Like us on Facebook: https:/...
Subscribe to BBC News www.youtube.com/bbcnews It took just 40 years for the Aral Sea to dry up. Fishing ports suddenly found themselves in a desert. But in one small part of the sea, water is returning. Latest satellite pictures reveal that 90% of the Aral Sea has dried up, forming a new desert between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in Central Asia. It's a man-made environmental disaster. As part of the BBC's Richer World Season, Rustam Qobil visits the Aral Sea, a toxic desert sea bed, and talks to people who have lost their sea, health and loved ones. Subscribe to BBC News HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog Check out our website: http://www.bbc.com/news Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bbcworldnews Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bbcworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/bbcnews
Test tarcia oleju silnikowego Aral 5w40 High Tronic Co pokazuje test? Test ma pokazać, jak skutecznie olej silnikowy chroni silnik. Test tarcia, ma zasymulować pracę silnika. Metalowe elementy w silniku podczas swojej pracy (tarcia np. tłoki) mogą prowadzić do powstawania rys i zarysowań. Im olej lepszej jakości, tym lepiej powinien chronić silnik, przed ich powstawaniem. Każda próbka poddana temu testowi, napewno będzie posiadała jakieś rysy (wgłębienia). Poprzez pomiar próbki, będziemy mogli sprawdzić głębokość wyżłobienia. Jak przebiega test? Nowa próbka jest poddawana tarciu metal o metal pod obciążeniem 1kg przez czas 5 minut. Następnie dokonywane jest pomiar średnicy próbki w najniższym jej punkcie. Każda nowa próbka ma średnice 2,92, od której odemuje średnice testowanej próbki. P...
The drying up of the Aral Sea is one of the greatest environmental disasters in history. Between 1954 and 1960, the government of the former Soviet Union ordered the construction of a 500 km-long canal that would take a third of the water from the Amu Darya River for an immense area of irrigated land in order to grow cotton in the region. The increasing need for water, due to bad transport management and a lack of foresight and efficiency in land irrigation, meant that more water had to be diverted from rivers flowing into the Aral Sea. As a result, in the eighties, the water reaching the port was as little as 10% of the amount in 1960, and the Aral Sea began to dry up. Consequently, the Aral Sea currently occupies half of its original surface area and its volume has decreased by a quarter...
Subscribe to BBC News www.youtube.com/bbcnews The disappearance of the Aral Sea in Central Asia is one of the world's greatest man-made disasters. In Kazakhstan, with the help of the World Bank, more than $80million have been spent trying to save the most northern part of the sea but this has only benefited a few hundred people. In this film, we speak to people still living in deserted fishing ports, to see how their lives have changed, and to find out whether they believe that they'll ever see the sea again. Subscribe to BBC News HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog Check out our website: http://www.bbc.com/news Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bbcworldnews Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bbcworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/bbcnews
So Freunde, 20.000 km sind nun runter mit meinem 2.0 TDI. Was ist nun mein und euer Fazit für die neuen Ultimate Diesel fahrer. Viel Spaß Falls du mir mit einer kleinen Spende helfen möchtest, kannst du durch einen Klick auf den Link direkt einen Betrag "X" eingeben. Jede Spende hilft mir mein Equipment für bessere Aufnahmen und für den Kauf von Produkten zu erweitern. Ich möchte doch nicht das es dir zu langweilig wird bei mir :D! DANKE! http://bit.ly/2vUqewL Brauchst du neue Ersatzteile? Über 1,5 Million Autoteile bei kfzteile24 Dieser Link führt dich direkt zu kfzteile24.de und du kannst direkt deine Bestellung aufgeben! Gib einfach deine Schlüsselnummer ein und schau dir die passenden Teile für dein Auto an. Jetzt bestellen: Liqui Moly Motor Clean http://bit.ly/2ud6nmY Jetzt bes...
http://www.furiousearth.com Explorer/adventurer George Kourounis visits the Aral Sea in western Uzbekistan where wasteful irrigation practices by the former Soviet Union have drained most of the water, creating a vast ecological disaster. Rusting fishing boats lie in the desert sands that used to be rich fishing grounds. Filmed as part of the Angry Planet TV series. Produced by: www.peterrowe.tv
Renkli Sayfalar'ın 210. Bölümünde konuk olan Semra kaynana ve Ayşe Aral canlı yayında birbirlerine sert cümlelerle yüklendiler! Evlendirme programında fenomenleşen Semra Yücel, eskiye dair açılan konularda Ayşe Aral'ın ithamları üzerine çok sinirlendi ve ikili arasında büyük tartışma çıktı!
O mar de Aral é um lago de água salgada, localizado na Ásia Central, entre as províncias de Aqtöbe e Qyzylorda (ao norte), e a região autonoma usbeque de Caracalpaquistão (ao sul). O nome (em português, mar das Ilhas) refere-se à grande quantidade de ilhas presentes em seu leito (mais de 1500). Este já foi o quarto maior lago do mundo com 68 000 km² de superfície e 1100 km³ de volume de água, mas tem encolhido gradualmente desde os anos 1960 após projetos de irrigação soviéticos terem desviado os rios que o alimentam. Em 2007 já havia se reduzido a apenas 10% de seu tamanho original, e em 2010 estava dividido em três porções menores, em avançado processo de desertificação.[1] A outrora próspera indústria pesqueira foi praticamente destruída, provocando desemprego e dificuldades econômicas...
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Il Lago d'Aral, un tempo il 2° specchio d'acqua salato più grande al mondo dopo il mar Caspio, ha perso il 90% della sua superficie. Le conseguenze sono state catastrofiche e Il prosciugamento sembra inevitabile. Eppure negli ultimi anni qualcosa è cambiato. Gianpaolo Confortini e Dario Pallotta sono andati ai confini con l'Uzbekistan per raccogliere le testimonianze delle persone che vivono dove un tempo c'era questa sterminata distesa di blu limpido
Sizler Onu '' Medcezir''den hatırlayacaksınız. Aşkı için her yolu deneyen sinsi Hale karekterinin ardında biraz çocuksu, hayalperest, hayatı seven, aşık, romantik ve kesinlikle çok yetenekli bir genç kadın var. Meriç Aral'ın Hukuk Fakültesinden setlere uzanan hikayesinde cesaretin ve tutkunun neler yaptırabileceğini keşfedekceksiniz. Video: Handan Oral Röportaj: Selin Miloşyan Fotoğraflar: Ergin Turunç Styling: Hafize Çeliktürk Saç: Burhan Çılgın Makyaj: Elçin Mutlu Moda ekibi asistanı: Işıl Ekin Tiyekli Video Asistanı: Burcu Bayrakçı Kanalımıza abone olmak için; http://bit.ly/1SDV15e Buradan daha çok videomuzu izleyebilirsiniz; http://bit.ly/1JDrlP0 ELLE Türkiye’nin ana sayfası için; http://elle.com.tr/ ELLE Türkiye’yi Facebook’ta beğenin; http://on.fb.me/1UoQOnp ELLE Türkiye’yi ...
[Dialogue from Daria Morgendorffer on MTV's "Daria":]
My advice is, stand firm for what you believe in
Until, and unless, logic and experience prove you wrong
[Ja Rule:]
Yeah, shhh
It was supposed to be you and I and the curtains closed
But somewhere along the lines we switched episodes
It's kinda like when Gina left Martin for New York
Speaking of New York, the city is so lost
Even with the Knicks lookin to make the playoffs
Spike is back on the court, and Jeter's still in the Bronx
Bloomberg got the city ready for seance
Go get your ouija boards out niggaz and pray on
You want "Drama"? Get your fuckin "Kay Slay" on
Still got the world on my shoulders, a nigga headstrong
About to go in; you can lock my body
Contract my mind, my thoughts keep escapin
Power of the pen it work provoc' like Basquiat
They fancy, 'cept I paint my pictures lyrically
But fancy enough, bitch foamin like a Swiss B
And we ain't talkin hoes, we talkin Euros and raw weed
Who do you believe in?
Is it money or the man upstairs? Is it power or prayer?
God bless the dead and fuck the world fast
What's progression if you never been through backlash
Nigga what do you believe in?
Cause my money's on me, myself and I, my team and this music
Y'all ain't gon' believe this
Maybe it's my fault, or maybe y'all just makin excuses
[Ja Rule:]
Who do you believe in?
Motherfucker the money is talkin to me and tellin me that it's lonely
In need of new friends, preferably Grants and Franklins
And the singles and the fives went to the bitches
Dubs is for wifin in the club, no mention
But you know who you are, nigga stop flinchin
Stop cuffin; you may not think that it's a bitch
But life's a hoe and everybody's been fuckin~!
See that's what I believe in
With n o logic, no need for experience
To fuck the world would be a lifetime achievement
You make it cum then e'rybody jump on the dick
Y'all niggaz full of shit, that's why you fuckin assholes
And never smell the shit stinkin 'til you get shitted on
Fuck 'em all, not for nothin
I ain't "Always On Time", too much ice in the vodka muh'fucker