Monthly Archives: December 2012

Strikes against Capitalism

ParkeHarrison Flying Lesson (2000) The State is a social relationship; a certain way of people relating to one another.  It can be destroyed by creating new social relationships; i.e., by people relating to one another differently. Gustav Landauer The struggle … Continue reading

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Figures of Bartleby’s Rebellion

Once upon a time, three friends beneath the soft shade of grape vines shared their Bartleby … for them.

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It was once remarked (by Guy Debord) that a society whose members are fully born within the spectacle will not have any other reference point than the spectacle itself making the prospects of a revolution unlikely. We would like to … Continue reading

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Rebelling against reality: Agustin García Calvo

Agustin García Calvo's works, creations, continue to live and to animate others.  His wisdom now acts as a source, from which many can draw sustenance.  Having earlier marked his passing (Agustin García Calvo: His passing and his presence), we now … Continue reading

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In defence of Direct Action

From Solidarity Federation, the British section of the International Workers Association, an article that originally appeared in the Occupied Times of London (30/10/2012).  Direct Action, as typically understood within anarchism, is not an apology for violence, which is what it is often reduced … Continue reading

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The freedom of curves: Oscar Niemeyer

POEMA DA CURVA Não é o ângulo reto que me atrai, Nem a linha reta, dura, inflexível criada pelo o homem. O que me atrai é a curva livre e sensual. A curva que encontro no curso sinuoso dos nossos … Continue reading

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The Roots of Okupation

On November 17th was announced another okupation in Madrid and the creation of a new Self-Managed Okupied Social Centre.  The new okupation now carries a name: the CSOA Raíces, or Roots.  Roots, because radical, because okupations contest the very foundations … Continue reading

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A war without end: The eviction of La Gotera

    The fractures of modern society are many.  The factory/latifundia of the 19th century have been replaced by the 21st century city as the space of contestation.  The proletariat is now inclusive of workers, as well as of the … Continue reading

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