Join us!

The National Education Union is your union. We empower you to inspire generations of learners.

Join online now. We've got a fantastic offer for new members:

  • Trainees and students can join for free
  • Newly qualified teachers can join for just £1
  • Teachers, support staff, leaders and lecturers can join for just £10 and pay nothing more until September 2018!

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Other ways to join

If you don't want to join online there are other ways you can join the National Education Union and take advantage of our great membership offers.

  • Phone: Call us on 0345 811 8111 (local rate) to join now.
  • By post: Complete an application form and return it to: National Education Union, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD.

If you are not sure which category of membership you need to apply for, see our membership rates pageFind out more about the terms and conditions of National Education Union membership.

Why join?

By joining the National Education Union you can make a real difference to the issues that are important to you, as well as accessing our wide range of member benefits, from CPD and events tailored to your learning needs, to our range of unrivalled publications and resources.

Member benefits

We give you more for your membership by providing you and your family with a wide range of money-saving benefits and services through the member benefits programme. We've negotiated offers, discounts and rewards on great products from recognised brands.


We’re celebrating our launch with an offer to new members. Trainees and students can join for free and newly qualified teachers can join for just £1! Teachers, support staff, leaders and lecturers can join for just £10 and pay nothing more until September 2018!