Category Archives: News blog

In Notre-Dame-des-Landes: The ZAD defeats an airport

A battle is won; the war continues … In solidarity with the many groups and individuals who have fought for and created the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, we share a common communique issued by the organisations involved:

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Anarchists before the independence of catalonia

27th of October: the government of Catalonia declares its independence from spain; the spanish government in response dismisses the Catalan government, assumes direct control of the region and declares regional elections for the 21st of December.  What happens from now … Continue reading

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The fear of contagion: Okupation and the quashing of dissent

News of an okupation echoes loudly in portugal, for the event is today rare and the okupy movement is comparatively modest and weak (in comparison to the neighbour spain, for instance).  Legislation in the country makes eviction relatively easy and … Continue reading

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Scenes from the class struggle in france: From Crimethinc

Left to their own devices, the police found themselves for the first time in a troublesome quandary. Suddenly stripped of the compass of the law, unable to decide which of the emergent governments should be considered lawful, and realizing the … Continue reading

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The question of the independence of catalonia: From Crimethinc

We return to the referendum on the independence of catalonia, to the struggle between the spanish state and the state of an aspiring new republic, to where anarchists may find their ground …

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The catalan referendum: anarchy and/or self-determination?

Sunday, October 1st, was the day in which the residents of catalonia were asked to vote on the region’s independence.  The referendum, having earlier been declared unconstitutional by the spanish courts, became then the object of an active judicially driven … Continue reading

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The city belongs to those who occupy it: Okupying Lisbon

Reflections after an assembly of a new okupation in Lisbon … Any new occupation is invariably accompanied by uncertainty, an uncertainty only intensified by a lack of clarity over means and goals, organisation and methods of functioning, and the physical … Continue reading

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The many ZAD of Bure, france: Autonomy before nuclear power

A convivial society should be designed to allow all its members the most autonomous action by means of tools least controlled by others. People feel joy, as opposed to mere pleasure, to the extent that their activities are creative; while … Continue reading

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A Paris Autumn

The 12th of September marks the beginning of protests against the new (yet again!) french government’s proposed labour law reforms.  Exit the socialists François Hollande and Manuel Valls, enter the golden boy, “I belong to no political party!”, politician as … Continue reading

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The struggle against fascism: Charottesville, Virginia

From the Crimethinc collective …

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