Tag Archives: Judith Butler

Stonewall: Re-Politicising Pride

THE ANAL MACHINE (Apocryphal poem by Paul B. Preciado) In front of the heterosexual machine It rises, fierce, the ANAL MACHINE The non-hierarchical connection of the organs The redistribution of pleasure And anal collectivisation Announce a SEXUAL COMMUNISM That is … Continue reading

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I don’t want to be strong. I want to be vulnerable.

Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you. Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil “[A]ll public assembly is haunted by the police … Continue reading

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Transfeminism: The promise of freedom in feminism

Our struggle is every day, we are women and not commodities. Against capital, anal pleasure; Against the vatican, clitoral pleasure; Against patriarchy, pleasure everywhere. I was a saint, I was a witch, I was a whore, but I will did not silence myself. … Continue reading

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Shards of time amid spaces of rebellion

This essay is the child of an earlier reflection on time and revolution, as well as of work on the 15th of May movement in spain, Pasolini and anti-fascism, and other essays posted on Autonomies, from which it borrows generously. … Continue reading

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