Monthly Archives: April 2013

Work will set you free: The art of Santiago Grasso

(Illustration by Santiago Grasso)   A strange delusion possesses the working classes of the nations where capitalist civilization holds its sway. …This delusion is the love of work, pushed even to the exhaustion of the vital force of the individual … Continue reading

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Revolutions of desire: The Wingnut Anarchist Collective

There is no desire for revolution, as there is no desire for power, desire to oppress or to be oppressed; but revolution, oppression, power, etc., are the actual component lines of a given assemblage. Gilles Deleuze, Dialogues II David Graeber … Continue reading

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Lines of tension, lines of flight: the revolution of occupations

Instead of gambling on the eternal impossibility of revolution …, why not think that a new type of revolution is in the course of becoming possible … Everything is played in uncertain games, ‘front to front, back to back, back … Continue reading

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Towards a real assembly-ism

From the working group of 15M-Madrid, Política a Largo Plazo, comes the following reflection on the assembly as a space for horizontally and freely creating human community, a reflection on what is here is called asamblearismo.  The translation from the … Continue reading

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José Luis Sampedro

En vez de productividad, propongo vitalidad; en vez de competitividad, cooperación, y frente a esa innovación que consiste en inventar cosas para venderlas, creación. José Luis Sampedro, Elpais (12/06/2011) On the 9th of April, economist, novelist, essayist José Luis Sampedro … Continue reading

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Radical politics amid hurricanes

Silvia Frederici, in the last number of Tidal, contends that “debt has become a key means of capital accumulation”.  Having spread ever more broadly throughout the world, it has become the most “general category through which exploitation is organized”.  The … Continue reading

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From film of denunciation to the revolutionary use of film

R. Magritte, La trahison des images Le monde est déjà filmé.  Il s’agit maintenant de le transformer Guy Debord Contemporary social movements have contributed to and have been sustained by a proliferation of media production, often described as alternative, in … Continue reading

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